Skin Allergies

When to Take Your Dog to the Vet

My dogs are always racing around chasing each other, wrestling and jumping. Because they are so active, every now and…

2 days ago

Itchy Skin Bumps Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments

Do you have itchy skin bumps or skin rash? As you know, itchy skin bumps are annoying, distracting and irritating.…

4 weeks ago

Homemade Dry Shampoo for Dogs

Unlike cats, dogs require regular bathing to maintain a clean, fresh coat. When the animal is not well or when…

2 months ago

How to Treat Dry Skin in Dogs

Does your dog suffer from dry, itchy skin? This is a common problem in dogs as they spend more time…

4 months ago

Skin Conditions of the American Bulldog

American bulldogs can make a great family pet but some additional care should be taken to monitor their skin health.…

8 months ago

Highlight on a Dog Breed: Zuchon (Shichon)

The Zuchon, also commonly known as a Shichon, is not strictly a breed of dog; it is a mix of…

2 years ago

Put a Stop to Dog Scratching and Gnawing

If you are dealing with the annoyance of a constantly scratching, gnawing, and licking dog it's probably driving you crazy.…

2 years ago

When Your Dog Has Allergies

Did you know that dogs can be allergic to fleas, and have summer allergies just like people do? Light-skinned dogs…

3 years ago

How to Choose the Best Dog Shampoo for Your Dog’s Skin Type

When you shop for dog shampoos these days, you have a myriad of choices! It's almost as confusing to choose…

4 years ago

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