Top Ten Natural Ways to Get Rid of a Migraine

There’s no mistaking a migraine, that is, unless you’ve come up with another explanation for the throbbing head pain, intense nausea, and sensory sensitivity that can last for days. Even if medication works to ease migraines, it doesn’t address the problems that may be behind the attacks, such as physical and emotional strain, physiological imbalances, food sensitivities and nutrient deficiencies. This is where natural approaches can help most.

Massage: A migraine is something ignited by muscular stree, which can be relieved by massage therapy. Massage the temples with a few drops of lavender or rosemary essential oil with your index fingers in circular motions. Start at the center of your forehead at the hairline and proceed to the temples, then continue to the area behind the ears and finally to the back of the neck. Repeat for a total of 10 minutes.This is a great natural way to reduce migraines.

Herbs: Butterbur and Feverfew are the two natural herbs most often used to control and prevent migraines; both have anti inflammatory compounds. Of the two, Butterbur has received the most scientific support.

Diet: Some people can eliminate migraine by avoiding specific food chemicals such as caffeine, the flavor enhancer MSG (monosodium glutamate), and the sugar substitute aspartame. Other possible triggers are tannins, which affectserotonin levels, and tyramines. The latter, along with related phenylethylamines and his tamines, may trigger migraines by over expanding small blood vessels.

Acupuncture: Acupuncture locates imbalances in migraine sufferers, often related to the liver or gallbladder meridians, or energy pathways. Although this may not seem very natural it completely natural.

Supplements: Studies have found that drops in magnesium are common before or during migraine attacks. This essential mineral plays a role in nerve cell function and may alter serotonin levels, which could explain its impact. Supplementing with magnesium can provide relief. Most of the time it has an immediate effect on patients.

Yoga: If you suffer from migraines, the natural stress-reducing effects of general yoga practice could prove advantageous. Since stress is a major part of migraines, anything relaxing would be beneficial.

TMJ therapy: Trouble with the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ can lead to painful Jaw clenching or teeth grinding; the aggravates the trigeminal nerve, disturbing blood vessels and setting off a migraine. While stress reduction is useful, problem clenchers may benefit from the FDA-approved N.T.I, a tiny plastic guard that stops teeth from clenching while you sleep.

Hot Sauce: Many migraines come from sinus. During different times of the year people tend to get sinus infections and migraines from them. Eating some food with Hot Sauce piled on will not only clear your sinus up, but will easily get rid of your sinus migraine. This may or may not be natural but it works.

Biofeedback: This natural behavior-modification technique employs sensors as well as imagery to measure your reactions to different stressors; you learn to alter and control your response to negative stress.

Water: They often say when you get migraines you need to drink more water. A migraine is a way the head tells you its getting dehydrated. So drink a few big glasses of water and lay down for nice nap. water is the most natural thing.

Karla News

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