Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

Green Tea: The New Weight Loss Method

With all the hype about weight loss, many people are getting tired of the same old tips and tricks for losing weight. Well there’s a new method that can really help you if you need to lose weight, but have tried again and again only to fail. It’s called Green Tea. “Wait, what?” you’re saying. That’s right; Green Tea isn’t just that strange drink they served you at the Japanese restaurant. Green tea can be a huge help as a component of your diet.

But how does green tea aid weight loss? What’s so special about it?

1) Can you say, “Metabolism?”
Okay, okay, I’m sure you can. But did you know how Green Tea affects it? Well, just in case you don’t already know, your metabolism is how your body uses food. A “fast” metabolism means that you can eat and eat, but won’t gain weight. A “slow” metabolism means that your body doesn’t use the energy in food as quickly, and so it’s stored in your body as fat.

As you can guess, as a person interested in weight loss, you’d want a fast metabolism. But if you’re born with a slow one, it’s not easy to speed it up. However, studies have shown that green tea can speed up your metabolism. In other words, give it a boost. This means that you’ll be using your food quicker and in more volume, which will in turn, translate to less fat.

2) I couldn’t eat another Bite
Believe it or not, Green Tea can reduce your appetite. Which is good news, because then you’ll spend a lot less time pulling yourself away from the cookie jar. In fact, studies at the University of Chicago have shown that rats “under the influence” of green tea had about only about 60% of their normal appetite. Of course, you’re no rat, but you can expect great reductions of appetite when you regularly drink Green Tea.

However, Green Tea is not the messiah. There are couple disadvantages as far as drinking green tea for weight loss.

#1) Are you a team player?
Green tea can’t save you on its own. It ends the help of some dieting and some exercise. On its own, Green Tea won’t be enough for you to shed all the pounds you wanted too. But remember, as long as you include green tea in your daily routine, it should help you a lot.

Finally, I have to warn you that Green Tea does contain caffeine. And if you have health problems, that can be bad news. If you’re already drinking coffee every morning, replacing it with green tea will help you on many levels, including: green ta has many fewer calories than a coffee. But if you never drink caffeine, and you’re thinking of diving into 3 cups a day of homebrewed goodness, it would probably be best to talk to a doctor or nutritionist.

In conclusion, Green tea can be a great element of your weight loss plan, just include it with other methods such as diet and exercise, and make sure you aren’t hurting yourself. Green tea has helped thousands of people lose, so give it a try.

Karla News

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