Top 5 Best Ways to Get Pregnant

** Previously published on Bestcovery

It seems unfair that some women can get pregnant just by looking at a baby (or at least that’s how it seems!), and others have to research and study the best ways to get pregnant in order to conceive. Even if you’ve been trying to get pregnant for some time and haven’t succeeded, it doesn’t mean that it won’t happen. Before you make an appointment with an infertility doctor, try the tricks and suggestions listed below. The problem may just be that you’ve been trying too hard.

Don’t have sex everyday

Believe it or not, having sex everyday will NOT increase your chances of getting pregnant. In fact, when you have sex daily, a man’s sperm becomes less potent, therefore reducing your chances of getting pregnant. Instead, try to have intercourse just three days a week. And when having sex, use positions that will accommodate deep penetration. After climax, don’t get up right away and move around. Instead, place a pillow beneath you hips and remain elevated and in a prone position for 5 – 10 minutes.

Check your temperature

Did you know that by charting your body temperature, you can increase your chances of getting pregnant? It’s what known as your basal body temperature, and it is your body’s temperature when you are at rest. In other words, it is your temperature before you’ve gotten out of bed or done anything that day. When ovulation occurs, there is a very slight increase in your body’s temperature. If you chart your temperature and notice that it has been slightly elevated (typically one degree or less) for a few days, chances are you will be more likely to get pregnant. It will likely take a few months of charting for you to recognize the slight difference in temperature, but this method has been very effective for many women who are trying to conceive.

Reduce stress

When a woman desperately wants to have a baby, each month she discovers that she is not pregnant can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. It is a perfectly normal reaction to feel this way, but it will only make it more difficult to get pregnant. The best way to get pregnant is to remain positive and reduce the amount of stress. This can be done by way of meditation, exercise, yoga, and by avoiding foods and beverages that contain caffeine. This will promote a calm well-being, therefore making it easier to conceive. And since caffeine isn’t good for the baby, you will have a jump start on a healthy diet for when you do get pregnant.

Find out when you ovulate

Knowing when you ovulate is the absolute best way to get pregnant. It is when your body ovulates, that you are able to get pregnant. If you’re just having sex on random days, it may be difficult to hit the correct days of the month that will increase your chances of getting pregnant. If you have a normal menstrual cycle, you can try counting 14 days from the first day of your last period to determine when you are ovulating. If you do not have a regular cycle, or want to ensure you’re doing the math correctly, you can purchase an ovulation kit from any drugstore. These kits are easy to use and work by analyzing a urine sample to let you know when you are most fertile. If you don’t have success getting pregnant with the first ovulation kit, don’t give up! It may take several attempts, but many women have seen success with their use.

Maintain a healthy diet

Eating foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals is one of the easiest ways to get pregnant. Foods rich in folic acid are especially important before and during pregnancy, as this vitamin has been known to support healthy development and can help to prevent the birth defect spina bifida. Foods like leafy green vegetables, breads and cereals, orange juice, and sunflower seeds are some examples of foods that are rich in folic acid. Foods that are rich in protein and iron (lean meats and beans) will promote ovary health, which will, in turn, make it easier to conceive. Of course, calcium is a must-have for any woman trying to conceive. Calcium can be obtained through milk, cheese, and other dairy products. Women that are trying to get pregnant should take a prenatal vitamin daily, as well.


Personal knowledge and experience


Karla News

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