The Healthiest Fruits & Vegetables

Ever heard the saying ” you are what you eat”? Most of us probably have but few of us actually head this amazing advice. The food we put into our bodies has a tremendous effect on how well or poor our bodies function. The following list will point out a handful of the really great fruits and vegetables to feed your body and will explain why they are so amazing. This information comes from reading The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth written by Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. It is a wonderful book and I highly recommend it to anyone trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. The information it presents is truly invaluable and is the source of the facts presented in this article. The fruits and vegetables I’m highlighting here are “star” plants in Jonny’s book.

“Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates

As the list below gets a bit lenghty, here is a quick list of the foods to glance at before diving into the heavy stuff.

Beets, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Carrots, Dandelion Greens, Kale, Onions & Spinach

Avocado, Blueberries, Cherries, Guava, Kiwi, Raspberries & Strawberries

The Wonderful World of Vegetables!

Before I even start I want to make sure no one is confused, there are NO bad vegetables. Just because a vegetable did not make the list does not mean you shouldn’t bother eating it. Every vegetable has benefits, some have a powerhouse of vitamins and phytochemicals, these are the ones I will point out to you.

1. Beets: Beets are an excellent dietary source of betaine and folate. These nutrients work together in a synergistic relationship to reduce homocysteine, a toxic amino acids that occurs naturally within our bodies. This toxic compound is harmful to blood vessels and is therefore a contributing factor to heart disease, stroke, dementia and reduced blood flow to the extremities. Beets are also jam packed with potassium, an extremely important mineral for overall heart health and balancing out the all important sodium potassium ratio within our cells. As we consume more and more sodium in our fatty and heavily processed western diet it is more important than ever to intake adequate potassium. In addition to these already amazing reasons to eat beets, they are also a great source of magnesium and vitamin C. Beets can be steamed, raosted, eaten raw and make a wonderful addition to juices. They do have a strong flavor though and better when mixed with carrots, apples or spinach in some combination. Another interesting fact about beets is that the leaves are just as nutritious, if not more, than the root. The leaves actually contain more calcium, iron, vitamin A and C.

2. Broccoli: This vegetable is a cancer fighting professional and has been recognized for its carcinogen neutralizing abilities by specialist across the globe many times over. It is a member of the cruciferous family which also includes bok choy, cabbage, kale, kohlrabi and swiss chard. What makes broccoli so great is isothiocyanate, a phytochemical that fights cancer by reducing cancer cells poisonous effects and increasing the bodies cancer killing cells. This drastically increases the rate at which pre-cancerous and cancerous cells are removed from the body. Isothiocyanate has been shown to reduce the incidence of lung and esophageal cancer and inhibit the growth of mammary tumors. According to Jonny Bowden just one cup of broccoli contains more than 2 grams of protein, 2 grams of fiber, 288 mg potassium, 43 mg of calcium, 81 mg vitamin C plus lots of folate, magnesium, phosphorus, beta-carotene, vitamin A and finally, 1277 mcg of lutein and zeaxanthin ( great for eye health). Talk about a nutritional powerhouse!! This stuff is potent and excellent for you.

3. Brussel Sprouts: Brussel sprouts are members of the cabbage family that grow together on tall stalks. As a member of the cabbage family, ie cruciferous vegetables, they are known for their cancer suppressing properties. The active ingredient in brussel sprouts is sinigrin, which breaks down into allyl isothiocyanate. It works through cell apoptosis, a process in which a mutated or cancerous cell is “told” or marked to commit suicide. This is a normal process that happens in your body everyday. Cancerous tumors occur when this process fails to work correctly. In addition to this, these sprouts contain a high dose of sulforaphane, which increases the levels of an enzyme in your body that stops damaging free radicals and fight carcinogens. According to The Department of Urology at Stanford University, sulforaphane is the most potent inducer of these amazing enzymes! On a slightly lighter note, the high sulfer content in this vegetable family is also responsible for their characteristic unpleasant odor. Brussel sprouts are also a great source of folate (folic acid), vitamin K, potassium and beta-carotene.

4. Carrots: The carrot is a great vegetable with many health benefits as well as a delicious taste. Recent Human studies have shown that one carrot a day can reduce your chances of lung, bladder, cervical, prostate, colon, pancreatic, breast, larynx and esophageal cancer in half!! That alone is a great reason to add more carrots to your diet. What makes carrots so great is their high carotenoid levels which create a whole slew of health benefits. Other than the carrots extreme cancer fighting properties, it does wonders for your eyes. This orange veggie is high in lutein and zeaxanthin, two of the many carotentoids that work together to drastically reduce macular degeneration and cataracts. Also high in vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant and immune system stimulator as well as rhodopsin synthesizer. Rhodopsin is a necessary component for your eye to see in dim lighting, and a a deficiency here could cause night-blindness. On top of all of this Jonny Bowden says three medium carrots contain 60 mg of calcium, 586 mg of potassium, some phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin C and 30,000 IUs of vitamin A!!

Worth noting- Carrots were givin a bad rap from the low carb entusiasts awhile back due to their high glycemic index. However, it is important to note that glycemic index tests are calculated on 50 gram portions of carbohydrate. It is the glycemic load that is truly important and actually relevant to us common folk. The load test is done on a normal size portion, the amount we typically eat. According to the carrots glycemic load a carrot actually falls very low on the 0-40 point scale, a 3 to be exact. So eat up and enjoy your carrots!

5. Dandelion Greens: I’m sure the thought that popped into your mind just now was, “that’s a weed”. While dandelion greens are a weed that you can find in your own backyard they are jam packed with some wonderful stuff! The word dandelion is a Latin word meaning official remedy for the disorders and it is used as an herbal remedy all over the world. One of this plants greatest benefits is it’s affect on the keeping the liver healthy. Since the liver is responsible for detoxifying the body from all the chemicals and pollutants we are exposed to it is extremely important to keep this vital organ healthy. As a result of it’s liver stimulating powers it indirectly aides digestion, heartburn, indigestion, increased release of bile and is a natural diuretic. It can be helpful with constipation and can be taken for a few months, unlike its pharmaceutical laxative counterparts. This plant also contains inulin which reduces high blood pressure and has a positive effect on blood sugar, that means all you diabetics should eat up! On top of all this the USDA Bulletin #8 ranks dandelion greens in the top 4 green veggies in overall nutritional value. This study also discovered that 1 cup of these cooked greens contain 147 mg of calcium, 244 mg of potassium, 203 mg of Vitamin K for bone support, 10,000 IUs vitamin A, 4944 mcg of lutein and zeaxanthin to protect your eyes and 3 g of fiber.

For all you ladies- dandelions contain hormone balancing compounds known as taraxerol and taraxasterol. Because of these two hormones dandelion is one of the top herbs recommended for PMS.

6. Kale: Here comes another veggie from that cabbage family we keep hearing so much about. Currently the USDA uses a testing system to determine plants antioxidant and phytochemical capacities and kale came out number one! Kale has an ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) of 1770, the next best vegetable on the list is spinach, which comes in at 1260. We’ll learn more about spinach later on. As all the other cabbages, kale is a cancer fighting pro. it contains indoles and sulforaphane that work to prevent and stop cancer from forming. Kale is also loaded with iron, calcium and vitamins A, C and K. Our wonderful author, and inspiration for this article, Jonny Bowden, recommends kale as an addition to salads and says mixing it with pine nuts and cranberries and tossing in olive oil is one of his favorites.

7. Onions: The onion family is great for a number of reasons, it has many cancer fighting properties just as the cruciferous vegetable family, since we have gone into great deatil on this above I wont go into any further detail. Onions are also wonderful bone protectors and aid in calcium absorption and contain thiosulfinates, sulfides, sulfoxides and many other compounds that do a multitude of things within the body. Onions have been linked to reduce heart disease by 20%. They also work wonders for those suffering from allergies. Onions contain antioxidants that are anti-inflammatory,antibiotic and antiviral. They also contain a whole host of chemicals that have anti-allergic properties due to high levels of quercetin, a compound that can relieve asthma and inflammatory responses.

8. Spinach: Spinach is a very nutrient dense food, it is one of the best sources of vitamin K and also contains high doses of vitamin C and D, calcium, iron, folic acid and magnesium. Vitamin K is essential to bone health as it activates a compound named osteocalcin that helps hold calcium inside the bones. Without the help of these types of natural chemicals you can eat calcium rich foods until you’re blue in the face and still not be able to absorb it. On top of that, spinach is recommended as a great calcium source for those who cannot tolerate dairy. This leafy green is also jam packed with antioxidants that help ward off cancer, reduce inflammation and lower high blood pressure. If you still need more convincing, spinach also hosts lutein, a carotenoid that protects against eye disease and vision loss.

Noteworthy info- Spinach is listed as one of the foods most contaminated with pesticides, so ALWAYS rinse your in lukewarm water before eating it.

Now we get to move onto natures sugar, Fruit!!!

1. Avocado: Yes, they are a high fat fruit, but this doesn’t prevent them from making this list. The fat in avocados if good monounsaturated fat, oleic acid to be exact, an omega-9 fat also found in olive oil and nuts. These good fats lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL). The fats found in this creamy plant have also been found to reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes. One study published in the Archives of Internal medicine found that people who eat monounsaturated fats lost more weight than those following a standard cholesterol lowering diet. If that’s still not enough for you, avocados have many phytochemicals that work to improve your eyes, heart and skin, who can say no to that?

Interesting fact- According to the USDA food database a avocado from California has about 20% fewer calories, 13% less fat and 60% less carbs than Florida avocados. Cali. avocados also contain much more lutein and zeaxanthin. However, Florida avocados have about 20% more potassium and a little more calcium and phosphorus.

2. Blueberries: Blueberries work wonders for your brain. One well know study done by Dr. James Joseph discovered the magical properties of the blueberry. The study followed rats in a maze and documented how their performance declined with age. When the same rats were given blueberry extract the most amazing thing happened, the rats memories got better and their ability to navigate the maze became as easy as it was for them in their prime. Blueberries have been shown to prevent mental deterioration, loss of coordination and balance. The small fruit gets this amazing ability because they contain polyphenols that help neurons communicate more effectively. Dr. James Joeseph explains it like this, old neurons are similar to an old married couple, they don’t talk much anymore. As these neurons stop “talking” your memory declines, the processing needed for balance decreases and many of the thousands of other chemical connections in the brain slow or cease. Polyphenols actually turn on otherwise “off” neuron connections. Dr. Joeseph thinks that polyphenols even aid new neuron formation as well, how amazing is that?! In addition to that, blueberries are full of antioxidants, specifically anthocyanin, a powerful anti-inflammatory and free radical suppressor. These two issues alone (inflammation and oxidative damage) are linked to nearly every major killer including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s. diabetes, heart disease as well as many common issues like arthritis. This little fruit also boasts the highest ever ORAC score any fruit has ever received. Talk about nutritional bang for your bite! Blueberries make a delicious addition to any juice too :).

3. Cherries: Cherries contain tons of anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and anticancer compounds, this reason alone should have you storming the produce section at your local grocery store, but of course, there is more to the cherry then this. Two of the greatest active compounds in a cherry are quercetin and ellagic acid. Quercetin is a powerful anticancer agent as well as anti-inflammatory that works particularly well for people with asthma and other allergies. Ellagic acid on the other hand works as a wonderful anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic and has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancerous masses caused by free radicals.

4. Guava: According to ORAC values, guavas beat out spinach, broccoli and strawberries. Guava also contains 17% more lycopene than your average tomato. Also, a few studies have shown that people who ate 2-3 cups of guava a day for three months reduced ther cholesterol by 10%, their triglycerides by 8%, their blood pressure by 9-8 mm HG AND raised their “good” cholesterol (HDL) by 8%. What an amazing fruit!! Now, as I mentioned before, it has extremely high levels of lycopene, and this is where most of its nutritional punch comes into play. It has been discovered that lycopene provides more protection against free radicals than any other member of the carotenoid family. It does an amazing job of repairing damages cells and the harmful effects of free radicals, which contribute to a whole multitude of problems in the body.

5. Kiwi: Kiwi fruit is an excellent way to get your daily value of vitamin c, it packs more then twice the amount housed in an orange. The fruit is also high in fiber, magnesium and a great source of potassium. This fruit is also loaded with antioxidants that promote health all throughout the body. Another one of the kiwis many benefits is it’s ability to work as a blood thinner. It can be just as effective as an aspirin, minus all the negative side effects. Yummm.

6. Raspberries: One of the greatest things about raspberries is they are packed with fiber, one cup contains only 64 calories and an astonishing 8 grams of fiber! These berries are also one of the best sources of ellagic acid, which I will not touch on since we’ve spoken about a few times already. But just as a quick reminder it has an astonishing ability to reduce cancer risks. Normal cells have a typical life of about 120 days, after which they under go apoptosis, or cell suicide. These old cells are then replaced with new healthy cells. When it comes to cancer cells, this normal process does not take place and the cells continue to divide and grow. Raspberries have shown time and time again (in a laboratory setting) that they work wonders at preventing and inhibiting this growth. Another great reason to eat these tasty little berries is their content of a compound called anthocyanins, This compound inhibits the formation of COX-1 and COX-2. These COX compounds can only form inside the special cells that signal pain and inflammation. This process is what causes the pain associated with arthritis. Raspberries inhibit the formation of COX-1 and COX-2 inside these cells therefore preventing arthritis. In one cup of raspberries you will also get calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin C and K.

7. Strawberries: This fruit is an amazing cancer fighting powerhouse. One university study noted that cultures of cancer cells given strawberry extract, showed a significant decrease in growth compared to cultures given other extracts. Some of the phytochemicals in strawberries have been known to stop tumor progression and prevent a whole slew of cancers from even beginning to form. Strawberries are high in ellagic acid, which we discussed earlier in cherries, fiber, calcium, vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. In addition to all these great benefits, strawberries contain some compounds similar to those in blueberries that help improve memory. AND, on top of all this, they are amazingly delicious and a favorite fruit in many households, rock on you healthy people!

So all in all, eat for your health. And remember, you should eat to live, not live to eat! Thanks again to Jonny Bowden and his amazing book, The 150 healthiest Foods on Earth, where I got most of my information.





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