The Best Ways to Prevent Lice

In or out of school, anyone is vulnerable for lice. Birds nesting in trees, in businesses, school buildings and resting on telephone lines spread lice through their droppings. Untreated pets spread lice to humans by contact. Infested persons spread lice through contact and infested clothing.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the prevailing misconception was “only unhygienic people get lice.” Today we know that to be untrue.

Risk Factors

Outbreaks happen at schools, office buildings, summer camps, public swimming pools, military boot camps, sports activities and more. Where people are in close proximity to each other, sharing clothing or touching each other’s bed linens, or coming in physical contact with another, lice can spread.

How to Identify an Infestation

A person that frequently scratches their scalp, sometimes drawing blood is a good indicator. Do not automatically assume lice. Scalp conditions can mimic this. At work, discreetly ask the person about the scratching. If uncomfortable about this, ask their supervisor or manager. At schools, speak to a teacher, the school nurse or the principal.

Nits, or lice eggs, look like bits of scalp or lint stuck to the hair. Sores from lice bites and from scratching, are noticeable upon inspection. A magnifying glass will often show adult and larval stage lice.

What are the best ways to prevent lice?

The best prevention is detection and treatment.

School physicals detect infested students and inform the parents about treatment options. The student must come to school and show the infestation has been treated.

Military physicals accomplish the same goal. Outbreaks in boot camps are rare, but do occur.

Summer camps are more relaxed about physicals, although I have heard of more camps requiring physicals from licensed physicians. One of the areas required to pass is a lice inspection.

How to Avoid Catching Lice

It’s impossible to tell people not to hug, go to sports events or to school.

The best ways to avoid catching lice are:

• Avoid physical contact with individuals who have an active infestation.

• Do not share clothing with other children at school. Although popular among girls, this should be avoided.

• At slumber parties, pay attention to the children and notice their behavior towards their scalp. If you need to speak to a child, be discreet.

• In schoolyards, downtown areas, or in building areas where birds congregate, do not stand or sit in the same area.

• Avoid playing with stray animals. Cats, goats, livestock, squirrels, birds, rodents, primates and horses are among the many animals that carry different species of lice. None of them will refuse a human meal. If the pet owner is known, ask if the animal is free from infestation before playing with it.

How to Treat

• Several shampoos are available over the counter at grocery and big box stores. Twenty years ago, these were available only by prescription. Follow the directions to the letter.

• Vacuum all carpeting and upholstered furniture. Do not forget mattresses.

Wash all clothing in the hot cycle of the washer, and dry for 20-30 minutes on hot cycle. For dry-clean only clothing, place in a sealed plastic bag for two weeks (to starve them to death) and have them dry- cleaned.

• Seal all non-washable plush toys in an airtight bag for two weeks. Instead, tie them in a plastic bag and throw away.

• Soak all combs and brushes in medicated shampoo or alcohol for an hour. Instead, just replace them.

• Using a nit comb, comb nit eggs out of wet hair after shampooing.

• All bed linens need to be washed as well- immediately.

• Everyone in the family needs to be treated. This helps prevent a re-infestation or spread.

Keep in mind that if a child has lice, that is no excuse for harassment by other students or teachers. Any harassment should be reported to teachers, the school office, the principal, or the school board. Do not stop reporting the incident(s) until action is taken.

This article is untended for diagnosis of any medical condition nor advocate or prescribe any specific medication or treatment. Always seek the advice of a licensed physician for proper diagnosis or treatment of any disease or condition.


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