Categories: Shopping & Fashion

Top 10 Gifts for the Emo Crowd

The style known as “emo” is a very popular style among teenagers and young adults right now, and it may be hard to find the right Christmas gifts related to this style, especially if you are not completely familiar with it. My younger sister has adopted this style of expressing herself for a little over a year now and I have come to learn the things she likes and the things she doesn’t like. Based on my experience, I am better able to come up with a list of Christmas gifts that you can give an individual with an “emo” style of expression. Here is my list:

Gift Idea #1: A Black Studded Belt:

Black is the dominant color in the Emo style and is great color for a belt. The “studs” are just part of the expression. You can find belts with different kinds of studs and different kinds of styles and designs, but make sure that the majority of the belt is black.

Gift Idea #2: Black Eye-Liner:

An “emo” person could always use another eye-liner pencil. Plus, not just “emo” people wear eye liner so it won’t look like you are giving them this gift because you consider them emo. It will just look like a gift you would give to any girl, but black eye-liner is a major characteristic of the “emo” style.

Gift Idea #3: Black or Dark Blue Skinny Jeans:

According to my younger sister, these are the “in” jeans for the emo crowd. I have a few pairs myself, but they are mainly worn by emo people. It is literally the only style of jeans my sister will wear. She likes them to be very tightly-fitted along the butt, thighs, and all the way down the legs all the way to the ankle. If you buy these for your emo recipient, make sure you get the correct size or even have him/her try them on first.

Gift Idea #4: Black T-Shirt With a Saying on It:

Don’t get just any t-shirt with any saying on it. Make sure it’s a tightly-fitted black shirt with an emo-related saying on it. The best places you can go to find this kind of shirt is either hot topic or zumiez. If you have never heard of these stores and have no idea where you can locate one, google will be a great friend to you. If not, just visit their online stores at and

Gift Idea #5: Black Hair Dye:

Many emo people dye their hair black because not everyone’s hair is naturally black. In fact, very few people have naturally black hair. Make sure it’s the blackest color there is available so you know for a fact that it will work in their hair. Lighter colored hair may need a darker black.

Gift Idea #6: An I-Tunes Gift Card:

Emos like to rock out with their I-pods in theirs ears on the way to school, their summer job, and pretty much anywhere else they go. Give them an I-Tunes gift card so they can add more of their favorite songs and bands to their playlists.

Gift Idea #7: A Haircut:

Give them a gift certificate to their favorite hair salon. Emos tend to get their hair trimmed often to keep it looking good at a longer length for guys. For girls, they tend to like to keep their hair shorter. This may also help them to pay for a professional hair dye.

Gift Idea #8: Chains:

These can be any color really and for different locations on their body. Some wear chains off their belts or off their pockets. Others wear chains around their necks, etc. Try going with a silver or black chain to be safe.

Gift Idea #9: A Piercing:

Many emo people have several piercings. Get them a gift card for their favorite tattoo/piercing location. This will let them choose which piercing they want and will prevent them from doing the piercing themselves or having a friend do it for them.

Gift Idea #10: Temporary Tattoos:

Not every parent is going to let their child get a real tattoo or piercing, and in most states you can’t even get a tattoo unless you are at least 18. Getting them a temporary tattoo may help them resist getting a real one illegally or having a friend do it for them. This can spread disease because unless they are professionals, they do not know how to properly sanitize equipment.

It may be very difficult to find gifts that emo people like, but it’s not impossible! I hope my list got you a little closer to a decision.

Karla News

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