Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

The Battle of the Yogurts: Yoplait VS. Dannon

Most women around the world panic when they begin to put on weight, even if it is only a few pounds. The first thing that comes to mind is finding the weight loss product that will work quickly and effectively for us. I used to wonder if one of these products really existed. However, when a friend told me that yogurt would do the trick, I thought that trying it out would be well worth it. Both of the two yogurt brands that I tried out, Dannon and Yoplait, claim that you can lose weight in your stomach area a lot more quickly.

Once I kept seeing television advertisements for Yoplait yogurt featuring the itsy bitsy yellow polka dot bikini, I decided to try this brand of yogurt first. When I first tried out Yoplait yogurt, the thing which I found to be the most appealing was that the product claims that you can use 22% more weight than an average diet. It also claims that you can lose a total of 60% more fat than just by deciding to consume a low fat diet. Before I tried out Yoplait yogurt, I was not quite that I would enjoy going on this diet because I was never a very big fan of yogurt.

However, when I did finally try Yoplait yogurt, I realized that this could be so much more than a diet for me. It became a whole new lifestyle, because I really loved Yoplait yogurt. The thing that I love most about Yoplait yogurt is that it is a creamy, rich dairy product. It is so delicious that the entire family likes it. In my opinion, Yoplait yogurt tends to taste like a pudding rather than a yogurt. It is rich and thick with chunks of fruit in it that you really don’t even feel like you are eating healthy yogurt, but that you are instead eating a sweet dessert!

I tried out several containers of Dannon yogurt after I tried out Yoplait. The only reason that I decided to try out Dannon was because it is the other leading brand, so I figured that it would be good. However, what I found was that Dannon yogurt has an acquired taste. One of the things that I was not so fond of was that you need to mix it up because the fruit is generally only found at the bottom. After eating this yogurt a few times, let me tell you, it is not very easy to swallow even though the flavor is not at all bad. While you are eating it, it feels as though you need to more or less choke it down due to the thick texture. It also tends to leave a tangy after taste that was not very appealing to me.

Health-wise, Yoplait and Dannon are about equal. Both are pretty low in calories, as long as you are opting for the low calorie options, rather than the “thick and creamy,” “whipped,” or anything else. One of the things that I do like about Yoplait yogurt, however, is that it offers a chocolate flavor in its whipped form. It is really good, and an excellent alternative to eating a candy bar.

Overall, both of these yogurt brands do offer some very good flavors. My favorite from Yoplait is cherry in the low fat form. It is so rich and creamy that you feel as though you are eating a cherry dessert. Apple turnover is also good, with real chunks of apple in creamy yogurt. As far as Dannon goes, I do like the strawberry and banana flavor, which is tasty and filled with pieces of fruit. Both Dannon and Yoplait do have many flavors to offer, so I am sure that you can find something that is suitable to your taste buds. I have just found that Yoplait seems to appeal to me the most.

One of the best things about either yogurt choice is the fact that it provides you with a healthy, delicious snack. Not only does it taste good, but there is also a lot of calcium that can be found in it. It is an excellent choice if you are trying to get your kids to eat something that is healthy that they will probably enjoy. As I ate Yoplait yogurt on a daily basis, I noticed a complete surge of energy. I felt that I looked and felt better after awhile also. This is one of the main reasons that I have decided to include yogurt in my diet on a regular basis. I strongly anyone to try eating yogurt, whether you decide that Yoplait or Dannon appeals the most to you.

Karla News

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