Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

Six Foods to Control Hunger

Are you trying to lose weight but failing because of your hearty appetite? One of the most difficult aspects of losing weight is learning to control hunger. Although you may be tempted by the enticement of appetite suppressants that claim you’ll lose an impossible of number pounds quickly and safely, resist the urge and learn to control hunger by eating the right foods. Certain foods when added to the diet can help promote a feeling of satiety so you’ll be less likely to pig out when the doughnut box comes through the door at work. Here are some foods that may help you control your appetite.

Foods to control hunger: Beans

Stocking up on beans and eating them every day is an inexpensive way to control those hunger pangs. Beans are rich in resistant starch, a form of starch that’s not absorbed by the body and creates a full feeling. It’s been shown in studies that the presence of resistant starch in the diet actually increases the rate at which fat is burned and has the added benefit of helping to control blood sugar if you happen to be diabetic. If you’re serious about controlling hunger, discover some of the many ways to prepare these versatile legumes.

Foods to control hunger: Shrimp

Shrimp has many advantages when it comes to controlling hunger and promoting weight loss. Not only are shrimp low in calories, they’re also high in protein which helps to promote a sense of satiety. The best way to prepare fresh shrimp is by steaming and dipping them into a tasty, low calorie sauce. Don’t destroy their health benefits by frying them!

Foods that control hunger: Eggs

Eggs are a classic when it comes to controlling hunger. High in protein and low in calories, studies have shown that a breakfast of eggs can reduce the number of calories you consume later in the day. If you want to reduce the calorie content even more, substitute egg whites instead.

Foods that control hunger: Oatmeal

Oatmeal is not only one of the most filling grains, it’s also rich in fiber which helps to keep you satiated for hours. This complex carbohydrate is one of the most inexpensive, yet filling, foods around. Start your morning with an egg and a big bowl of oatmeal and you’ll keep those hunger pangs at bay.

Foods that control hunger: Apples

Not only are apples low in calories, but they also have a component known as pectin which helps to decrease appetite by promoting a sense of fullness in a manner similar to fiber. Adding an apple to your diet as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack can mean you’ll consume fewer calories at lunch and dinner.

Foods that control hunger: Pine nuts

Pine nuts have been shown to suppress appetite by increasing levels of two appetite suppressing hormones know as CCK and GLP1. You can add pine nuts to your diet by making pesto or roasting the nuts and adding them to salad and vegetables.

If you want to get your appetite under control and lose those last few pounds, add some of these low calorie, appetite suppressing foods to your diet and watch that weight drop off.


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