Categories: Gardening

Plant a Burmese Flower Garden

Myanmar, or Burma, as it is formerly known, is a nation that is home to many beautiful flowers that grow in the moderate climate year round. Some flowers that are found in Myanmar are also found here in the United States, such as the orchid tree and asters. Others are more exotic and can be planted outdoors if you live in a warmer part of the nation. A Burmese flower garden can provide you with an outdoor living space that is private and beautiful. Below is a list of flowers that can be planted in your garden:

Alexandrian Laurel(1), or Kamani, is an evergreen tree that is native to southeast Asia. The flowers are white with yellow stamens. The tree grows a fruit, or drupe, that starts out green in color but turns yellow when it becomes of age. The flowers are fragrant and can be used in making perfume. The tree itself can reach a height of 60 feet tall but can be pruned to prevent it from becoming too big. Before planting, add some loam to the soil. The tree will grow in either full sun or partial shade. Keep the tree watered at the base so the roots will absorb the moisture during the hot months.

Anthurium(2), or Flamingo Lily, also grows in South America. This beautiful flower resembles a flamingo with the leaf forming a “wing” while the spike looks like the graceful neck of the bird. Flower colors range from white to pink, red, and lavender. This flower will grow well in any mild climate like the southern states of the United States. This flower likes well drained soil that is kept moist during hot climates. Anthurium also benefits from African violet soil, which has peat moss and perlite. A fertilizer with magnesium in the mix will also help the plant grow well. A pesticide will protect the flowers as certain insects will invade them, such as white flies, mites, and snails.

Asters(3) grow all over the world in a number of varieties. This common garden flower comes in a wide range of colors so anything from plain white to a combintion of colors can be used in your Burmese garden. Asters can be cultivated from seeds or young plants. If you choose to grow them from seeds, wait until after the last frost before sowing the seeds directly in the ground. Asters like full sun or partial shade. Keep watered during the hot summer months.

Bull Hoof Blossom, or Orchid Tree Blossom(4), can also be seen in states like Florida and Georgia. These flowering trees grow an average of twenty to forty feet in height. The flowers are either lavender or purple and resemble a cow, or bull’s hoof in shape. The tree first blossoms around February into early summer. Before planting an orchid tree, check the soil for acidity. If the acidity is low, add some organic materials to boost the acid level, such as peat moss. Sulfur can be added to the soil around the orchid tree after it has taken root, but only if necessary.The orchid tree can survive temporary frosts during the winter season.

Lilies(5) are a beautiful spring flower and you can use any color, or combination of colors, in the garden. Plant the bulbs after the last frost so the ground is thawed out and warm enough for the plants to grow. If your local nursery sells them, buy some oriental lilies. Water them once a week during their blossoming season.

Jasmine,(6) also called myat lay in Burmese, is a native flower of Asia and the Middle East. This fragrant white or pale yellow flower grows on shrubs. The shrub should be planted between June and November and you don’t have to have many bushes in your garden; one or two alone will do nicely. Young bushes should be snipped at the top to help stimulate growth. A fertilizer that has potassium and phosphorus will keep the bushes healthy and blossoming when applied twice a year. If you plant more than one jasmine bush, make sure they are at least eight feet apart to allow for spreading.

Many orchids(7) are native to Myanmar, including: dendroblum crystallinum orchid, which is pink, yellow, and white in color; vanda coerulea , which has blue lavender or pink flowers; and dendroblum tranparens, which is white with purple centers. If you live in a climate that is warm year round like the southern states and Arizona, these can be planted outside. In other states, plant them in large outdoor pots so they can easily be moved inside during harsh weather. Ask your nursery for what orchid plants are available for your garden and required care, as each plant variety has different growth needs.

For garden statuary, try this beautiful Buddha statue(8) that is 15″ tall and can be positioned on a flat rock or even a cement table top. Available from Dharma Crafts for $249.00. If it is within your budget, add a pagoda near your Buddha like this one from Horchow. This pagoda(9) stands 65″ tall and is made of crushed stone, styrene, and resin that is colored to look like terra cotta. The cost of this pagoda is $560.00.

Combine several different flowers together in sections of your garden. For example, combine lilies with orchids and asters. You can also set your statuary next to the larger bushes like the jasmine and alexandrian laurel. Create small enclaves with the bushes and plants for an intimate feel. Don’t forget to add your best garden furniture and chairs so you can have a place to picnic, sunbathe, or just read in privacy.











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