Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

Overcoming Age Related Infertility

For all women past 35, there are varied degrees of changes going on that lead us to our pre-menopausal phase in life. Those changes can be very noticeable, or hardly noticeable at all. They can range from lots of different symptoms to just a few, or maybe she experiences just one pain in the fanny symptom, but, its intense enough to first of all, remind her that her fertility is not going to go on forever, as well as be bothersome during the course daily living.

Whatever degree it may be, its never something we feel too positive about, especially if we’re trying to conceive. There are lots of ways to slow this process, and make it a more gradual, pleasant, and barely noticeable phase. First of all, don’t be too upset by the whole thing…. it is something that can be slowed down, naturally, especially if your willing to do some lifestyle changing. And I know most women that are trying to conceive at any age, are very willing to do whatever it takes to get there.

First of all, if your going to go at this with any degree of success, you must change your diet. Especially if your a gal that eats alot of processed food. Refined carbs, soda, fast food, lots of sugar….its all gotta go. And, changing your diet for many women is probably one of the hardest things to start, but, I promise you when your holding that newborn in your arms after just giving birth... well… somehow I think you’ll feel it was a small price to pay to get there.

Whole food has got to become your new way of life. And, the more raw and untouched it is, the better. There is just no substitute for raw food as far as what it can do for your fertility, as well as overall health. Put as much of it into your day as possible. I find in summer, its really easy to do this because of all the great fruit around. Take advantage of whats in season. And, if your pinched for time, consider getting a juicer. Its such a fast, convienent way to get the majority of what we need lots quicker.

Whole grain must replace anything white or processed at all. Get as close as you can to always eating food that hasn’t been touched with any type of processing. Whole. raw food is going to keep our livers clean, which, at our mid life point, can be very congested and dirty, leaving traces of toxin throughout our bodies. Namely our reproductive organs. We need them to be clean and eager to work. And, at this age your going to need digestive enzymes to help digest all this good food, so its available for absorption by our bodies….namely our reproductive system.

Next, there are lots of supplements to aid us in this whole process. Most are available at health food stores everywhere so they’re not hard to come by. One of the biggest things to help restore our fertility is going to be a good B-complex. If your a more mature woman, its a must. It helps our adrenals, which are very active members of our reproductive health, They put out our own DHEA, a master hormone that for women is going to aid in our estrogen levels, which is what is dwindling and in turn causing symptoms.

Also, add an extra folic acid supplement. As we age we lose ability to absorb this very important B-vitamin and its a must for successful conception. By mid-life our adrenals are exhausted, but, with the right combination of diet and supplementation we can revive them.

Another good thing for this is, a good constant flow of vitamin C in us. I have found the best way to do this is to buy some good chewables, 500 mgs, and chew them throughout the day, every few hours. That will keep it available to our bodies round the clock. Next, include some good Omega oils. A good 3,6,9 combination is a good way to go. The 6 and 9 can be converted by the 3, but, its not a real easy conversion, and why not make it easier on our bodies if we can? CoQ10 is another thing to involve here.

It aids in cell rejuvenation, and assists with mitochondrial function within the cell, we need good strong cell function if we hope to conceive. Another good supplement in this whole process is Arginine, an amino acid that can be used from day 1 of the cycle up to ovulation day. It nurtures the egg along in the 1st phase of our cycle and makes for a better quality egg. Supplementation can get very in depth and involved, but, all of this is a very good start for anyone trying to combat the effects of age related infertility.

Next, please do excercise. It has to happen. Especially if we are more mature and hoping to conceive. The whole process would be greatly hampered if we left this out. At least 30 minutes if not more daily. Not only will it help aid fertility, but our health in general will never be hurt for doing some excercise. There are also ways of increasing our blood flow to our pelvic organs which is immensely helpful. I do tripods and handstands, as well as pressing my femoral artery for 30-45 seconds 6 times daily. The femoral artery is located in our groins. You will feel it when you feel your pulse. Thats the pressure point.

This whole process is going to be a gradual change. You will not see immediate results, as you would with any type of medical intervention to aid fertility. But, our bodies are more geared for doing things naturally and gradually and after a 2-3 months of doing this… your going to see the benefits. And, feel them too!! None of this will hurt your fertlity, it can only help. And, unlike medical intervention for bringing on conception, there are no side affects to this. And thats a plus any way you look at it!

Karla News

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