Categories: LIFESTYLE

How to Build Six Pack Abs

Face it, everyone wants six pack abs. There is nothing more visible then six pack abs on the beach. Women with tight bellies and men with chiseled abs. Everyone wants them, not many have them. This past New Years, after consuming too much food at the party, I made a resolution. I wanted to build six pack abs before summer. That gave me half a year to set goals and establish a full six pack building plan that involved intense cardio, workouts and diet. Safe to say, I have fully accomplished my goal and I’m proud to have my shirt off at the pool and at the beach. I have built six pack abs in less than 6 months. In this article, I will go through everything I did to achieve my six pack.

First and foremost, I needed determination and I had to stick to my goal. If you can’t find a motivation, it’s hard to keep going each and everyday. My inspiration and biggest motivator was my wife. She urged me on every day and was nice enough to improve my diet to fit my new lifestyle. Before you continue, make sure you have some sort of motivation. That way, after 3 months into the program, you won’t just start getting lazy and stop. Progress in itself is a great source of motivation but progress is not instant.

Everyone has Abs, its just that many people have fat covering those abs. The number one key to building a six pack is to first get rid of the layers in front of those abs. I know what its like; I ended up losing 20 pounds in the last 6 months. Cardio was key for me, and if you have fat on your belly, cardio will be key for you too. I varied my cardio workouts, but I made sure to get some cardio in daily. My favorite cardio workouts were Jump rope, running, swimming and biking. When I couldn’t go out to run or bike or swim, I went on a treadmill or a bike machine. Jumping rope in the morning in front of the TV while watching the news was like a ritual for me. I threw in a few pick up games of basketball with friends and the fat literally was sweating off of me.

Diet was another thing I needed to change in order to succeed and build my six pack abs. How can I possible expect to build six pack abs if I was eating at McDonalds and Burger King 3 to 4 times a week? It just wasn’t going to happen. I can thank my wife and her great cooking for providing me with a great, nutritious and delicious diet during my time building a six pack. She made sure we had tons of fruits, vegetables and a variety of different foods daily. We replaced Soda with Orange juice and fatty burgers with home cooked meals. I can honestly say I have a lot more energy now, I feel better and I’m not as tired as I used to be. My main point here is that you need to make a healthy diet for your self and follow it.

I didn’t start doing crunches and sit-ups until about 2 months into my little program. Once the fat was coming off, and I could finally see my abs, I didn’t bother straining myself with abdominal workouts. I began with simple crunches but really wasn’t feeling much of a difference. I did some research and found many different ways of doing sit-ups, from bicycle crunches to side to side crunches. I was doing a variety of different workouts. I began doing pushups and static holds in the push up position. These seemed to work extremely well and I was seeing results within a few weeks of starting. I recommend implementing crunches, weighted sit-ups, bicycle crunches and static holds. A great guide on abdominal workouts that you should check out before starting.

Lastly, from personally experience, I would suggest eating a light dinner, doing some sort of cardio daily, even after you have your six pack abs and if possible avoid taking any supplements or pills when trying to lose weight. Keep your body clean and work hard to achieve your goals, pills are not the way to go.

Karla News

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