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How Running Can Flatten Abs

Yes, running can actually flatten your abs. I’m a certified personal trainer, and if you want to flatten your abs, take a break from the crunch machines and those endless “V” crunches you do on weightlifting benches, and start running – and FAST.

If you don’t think running will flatten abs, then take a look at the abs of sprinters and even 400 meter specialists. Check out the abs even, of 800 and 1,500 meter specialists. The faster runners have more prominent six-packs, and the longer-distance runners have a less visible six-pack, yet competitive runners of all distances have show-off-caliber abdominals.

You might be thinking, “But wait – I don’t want to spend hours and hours running to get flat abs! Isn’t it better just to spend 20 minutes several times a week doing ab exercises at the gym or on my living room floor?

Well, I never said you had to spend hours and hours running to get flat abs. Though competitive runners spend tons of time running, you need not spend more than about 6-12 minutes per WEEK running to flatten your abs.

Is there a catch? Yes, there are two catches. First, if you can “pinch an inch” or more on your abdominal area, this signals body fat that conceals your abs. You must burn that fat off before your abs will show. Flat abs have minimal fat.

The second catch is that the 6-12 minutes of running is pretty hard – as in your fastest sprinting. Yes, sprinting, as fast as you possibly can.

But the good news is that your fastest, hardest sprint will last under 30 seconds, sometimes only 15 seconds or less, depending on how long you can hold out for. Some people can’t run efficiently, and thus, their “fastest” run can be sustained for 30 seconds (or more).

Other people can bolt with power as truly fast as their body can go, and hence, burn out in under 15 seconds.

In either case, this kind of maximal running will flatten abs by causing an increase in human growth hormone and testosterone. Run as FAST AS POSSIBLE, then walk 2-3 minutes. Then run as fast as possible, then walk 2-3 minutes. Alternate for eight cycles. Do this two or three times a week for significant increases in human growth hormone and testosterone.

These hormones are fat burners. The more you have of these hormones circulating, the faster your resting metabolism. Sprint interval training will keep these hormones in heavier circulation, ’round the clock. The result will be a fat burning effect all over your body, including the abs. This is why running will flatten your abs.

The alternative is to run much slower, but slower, sustained running will not result in higher production of these fat burning hormones. However, lots of slow running will definitely burn plenty of calories.

Who does more running: 100 meter sprinters or marathon runners? The marathoners, of course, do tons more running than very short-distance sprinters, yet who has the more prominent, amazing abs? The sprinters, of course! That’s because your fastest, hardest sprints will crank up production of human growth hormone and testosterone: nature’s fat burners.

Karla News

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