Categories: Parenting

Facts About Obesity in Children

Obesity in children, when a child is 20 percent or higher than the recommended weight for their height, holds many dangers. Obesity in childhood can lead to adult obesity, numerous diseases, and also depression and a lack of self esteem. Obesity is also defined at a having a body mass index above 25 percent in boys and 32 percent in girls. Childhood obesity is the biggest health problem among children and teens in developed countries.

There are several causes that lead to obesity in children. Obesity can be a result of genetic factors as obesity tends to run in families. Poor diet habits can lead to obesity in children as many families rely on fast food for meals and feed children junk food and sugar filled drinks. Poverty can also be a cause of obesity in children and low income families are known for having a low activity level and a higher caloric intake. Medicines can also cause obesity in some cases.

A culture with little physical activity is probably the biggest culprit for causing obesity in children. Children who spend an inordinate amount of time watching television or surfing the Internet are more likely to be overweight. The lack of movement paired with a greater inclination for snacking (while sitting still) leads to excess weight gain. Less parents have time to have children participate in after school sports due to long work hours and dual income households.

Obesity is dangerous as it causes health problems in children. Obese children can develop liver diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis or liver failure, liver and gall bladder disease due to having extra fat on the liver. Obese children can develop Type II diabetes in childhood or early in adulthood. They can also develop joint issues such as early arthritis and weakened knees and feet from carrying extra weight. In addition, obese children can have breathing problems which can lead to sleep apnea and asthma.

Obese children have a high incidence of health problems as adults. Obese children are very likely to become obese adults. If one parent is obese, the child has an 80 percent chance of also becoming obese. The chances increase if both parents are obese. Obese children are also more likely to develop heart disease in adulthood. They will have high cholesterol levels and will experience hardened arteries. In addition, children can experience self esteem problems and depression as they are often teased and bullied by others. This leads to lack of confidence which will seriously affect the life success and enjoyment.

If your child is overweight, you can prevent it from getting out of hand, and even reverse the trend. Breastfed infants have a lower risk of obesity as unhealthy solid foods are introduced later in life. Young children should be served healthy low fat snacks and encouraged to exercise every day. Television time should be limited so they will be more active. Plus, older kids must be taught to make healthy food selection. They should also not eat while watching TV or at the computer or video game console. More time should be spent outside.

Obese children and children in danger of becoming obese should not be forced into a diet. To help the child control their weight, the entire family should begin making healthy lifestyle changes so that the child does not feel punished or deprived. By working together as a family to increase health, the child is more likely to avoid or reverse obesity.

Karla News

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