Categories: Parenting

A Puppy Pen Can Simplify Dog Training

A puppy pen is an enclosure that limits the space a puppy or a dog in training is permitted to roam. In this way, a puppy pen makes it easier for a dog or a puppy that you are training to stay out of mischief. Let’s say you are potty training a puppy, the smaller the area the puppy is in, the less likely he is to make a mistake. For this reason, a puppy pen can simplify dog training immensely, if it is used correctly.

Puppy Pen Dog Training: Tip #1

A puppy pen should not be used for all dog training. If you are training your dog not to whine when he is enclosed or to potty outside, for example, a puppy pen will prove very helpful. But if you are training your dog not to chew the furniture, a puppy pen cannot help, simply because removal from your furniture will not stop your puppy chewing something else. In other words, a puppy pen is useful when it removes your puppy from doing mischief, or imitates the situation in which mischief occurs.

Puppy Pen Dog Training: Tip #2

The puppy pen should not be used to punish your dog. It’s not a time-out device. Rather, the puppy pen separates your dog from the pack (family) for a short time, until you can continue your training. Place the puppy pen near the family, so the dog or puppy can still see you. In this way, the puppy or dog will not feel anxious in your absence.

Puppy Pen Dog Training: Tip #3

A puppy pen is not a where your puppy or dog wishes to be. Obviously, your dog will want to be with you. So while you are using a puppy pen, make it easier for your dog. Place a chew stick and your dog’s favorite toy in the pen. Show your dog that the puppy pen is not a punishment

Puppy Pen Dog Training: Tip #4

If your dog or puppy starts to whine in the puppy pen, do not let him out. Rather use your training word for keeping quiet, then keep talking to him gently, as if having a conversation. Hearing your voice will calm you puppy. Slowly remove eye contact and keep going about your business in the room, congratulating your puppy for staying quietly in his puppy pen.

Puppy Pen Dog Training: Tip #5

Limit the amount of time you keep your dog in the puppy pen. It’s important that your puppy doesn’t come to fear or hate his puppy pen, or he will get flustered each time you put him in it. Keep your dog in the puppy pen for a few minutes, when you’re too busy to continue training him, then go back to the training.

Puppy Pen Dog Training, Top #6

Some puppies will find a way to jump or climb out of their puppy pen. You may find it easier to use a baby crib instead, which doesn’t offer a grip for paws to climb on. Make sure your puppy has enough room to move about in the crib and that he can see you clearly through the mesh net.

And as with all puppy training, love and consistency are the key to success.

More Dog Training Advice:

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How to Potty-Train a Dog Quickly, Tenderly: Discover the three of dog potty training and how you can potty train your dog quickly and tenderly.

Stop Your Dog Barking, Whining, Chewing, Eating Poop: Because you love your dog, learn how you can make him an even more wonderful dog to live with, by teaching him to stop barking, whining, chewing and eating poop. You’ll be happy you did.

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