Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

Workout for Hourglass Figures

Having an hourglass figure has its pros and cons.

Pros: curvy all over and possession of all assets

Cons: Prone to gain weight on every single body part; hips, stomach, backside, legs, chest, back, thighs…Did I miss anything?

You’re in luck. I’m a little biased when it comes to this particular workout. My reason? Probably because I happen to have an hourglass figure and it’s, eh-hem, worked for me. (Smiles) All jokes aside, this exercise plan is effective because it’s simple and targets the entire body in one motion. You will get results and you better believe that those buns and thighs are going to be burning within the first ten minutes. Oh, and bring a towel, you will be sweating. Stick to this workout for four weeks and you’ll see your body change. Rule number one: No quitting. Rule number two: No cheating. A matter of fact: “No pain, no gain”.

Power walk for thirty minutes at 4.6 miles per hour on a treadmill. Increase the level of inclination every minute. After six or seven minutes, decrease the inclination every minute until the surface is flat again. Hold on to the bars) on the treadmill. Supporting your weight challenges your arms while walking at this speed keeps the challenge in the workout for your hips, butt, and thighs. Do this pattern for the full thirty minutes. The last minute of the workout, increase the speed to 6 or 7.0. Run at that speed for fifteen seconds (flat surface for a beginner, uphill for advanced).

If you do not have access to a treadmill, run in place for one minute (Get those knees high in the air!). Power walk up and down the stairs for a minute. As you power walk up the stairs, karate chop the air starting from the left side and then move to the right. Do this really fast moving back and forth. This will burn the fat in your arms.

Alternate running in place and walking up the stairs for ten minutes. At minute eleven, sprint up and down the stairs for thirty seconds.

Don’t have stairs or a tread mill? Run in place for one minute(swing your arms), sprint in place for one minute (swing your arms), get on the floor, and lift your leg behind you. Keep your leg up as high as it will go. Pulse it up and down for thirty seconds (Do not let your leg drop!). Switch legs and repeat.

Run, sprint, leg lifts (Do this combination for at least eight minutes)

Strength Training:
Belly dance. Don’t know how? I’ve provided the link in the bottom right corner of the page. It’s in the “resources” section.

Walking uphill on a treadmill and doing leg lifts target the butt. These methods raise and make your bottom perky.

Walking uphill, walking the stairs, running and sprinting in place target the thighs. These methods burn the fat and define both the calves and thighs.

Holding on to the treadmill bar, karate chopping the air, and swinging the arms while running in place slims the arms down.

Belly dancing makes the abs stronger and trims your waist line if done correctly.


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