Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

Veggie Day on the Sacred Heart Soup Diet: Recipes to Stay on Track

I am on my second day of the Sacred Heart Soup Diet and doing very well, if I do say so myself. Today I have to eat the soup every time I get hungry, and eat fresh or cooked vegetables throughout the day. I like vegetables and I like that this diet promotes vegetables so well. There is a lot of positive and negative feedback about this particular diet on the internet. Many say that it is just a fad diet, it is unhealthy, you will regain all your weight once you go back to eating “normally”, it is not affiliated with any of the many Sacred Heart Hospitals in America, so on and so forth.

Personally I think that even though it is considered a fad diet and may not be affiliated with any hospital, I am very happy with its set-up. It seems logical to me to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and limit fats, sugars, and even meats when you’re trying to lose weight, especially this rapidly. It’s got to be healthier than meal replacement shakes or lots of pills. Besides, what is “eating normally”? America as a whole doesn’t eat normally. No one, not even the fittest, healthiest person, needs sodasand junk food. Normal eating should be eating healthy. Someone who chooses this diet to lose weight, and does so successfully for a week, would have to be insane to go back to eating fast food and drinking sodas. As for me, I am definitely making lifestyle changes after these seven days. Activity and portion control are my main objectives. I will be eating plenty of vegetables and all the fruit I can stand, and I am not big on fried foods or junk foods anyway. I could drink more water and less soda, including diet soda. Most importantly, I want to change my lifestyle to be healthier and lead by example for my children. I don’t want them to grow up and have obsessive issues with food.

That being said, I threw together a simple stir fry off the top of my head that completely stays within the rules and is very tasty!

1 medium fresh zucchini, chopped
1 cup fresh broccoli, chopped
1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms

soy sauce
Worcestershire Sauce
black pepper
garlic powder

Heat a skillet on medium high, put a couple of hearty dashes of each soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce. Get it hot, as you would oil (but don’t really use oil!). Add all your veggies and stir around until they are all coated. Season to taste with black pepper and garlic powder. Stir again, add half a cup of water, and cover.

Cook like this for about five minutes. Remove lid and stir. Turn the heat up to high, and boil all the liquid out. Leave the heat on without stirring for about a minute or until everything “sticks” to the bottom of the pan. Then turn off the heat. There may be brown drippings in the bottom of the pan. This is very flavorful. Add a couple of tablespoons of water and let it sizzle across the hot pan. Stir one last time and serve. Enjoy!

This is a simple and scrumptious recipe, as well as filling. I can’t have any rice or meat today with it, but I can later on in the week. This would work with chicken or lean beef served over white or brown rice if you are just eating for health. You could also substitute your favorite vegetables in your own stir fry, it doesn’t have to be this exact combination.

Happy and healthy eating to all!

Karla News

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