Uses for Rubbing Alcohol

I have been using rubbing alcohol for years for cleaning and other things and thought maybe today I would share some of the uses. It is so much cheaper than by other chemicals over the counter and you get basically the same results.

1. I use rubbing alcohol full strength in a spray bottle to wash my window, mirrors, glass in my picture frames, wash my computer screen, t.v. screen, keyboard of my computer. It is so nice because alcohol just evaportes and you don’t have to worry about any risidual effects as you would if you used water or other cleaners. I even use alcohol on my car window’s. It not only cleans them but helps with keeping frost at bay. Alcohol will also remove frost and ice from your windshields. It is so easy to use and actually very cheap considering other products you can buy.

2. Remove ink, sticker residue, permanent marker, even sticky tree sap. I washed a load of uniforms with an ink pen in a pocket. I thought I had ruined the whole load. Well it took some work and time. But I bought several bottles of rubbing alcohol and poured into a tub and soaked each article one at a time to remove the ink. I saved the whole load of clothes one article at a time. Sure was cheaper than going out and buying all those pieces of clothing again.

3. I use rubbing alcohol in my bathroom and kitchen as a disinfectant. I have always had to be careful with different cleaners and their smells. Rubbing alcohol not only kills the germs in these rooms but also makes the fixtures shine nice. You don’t have to do any extra wiping after using because it just evaporates.

4. Homemade hand sanitizer’s. May sting your hands if you have small cuts. Take a roll of paper towels and seperate into individual towels. Place several in a baggie or in a plastic baby wipe box and pour enough rubbing alcohol over them to dampen them. Ready made sanitizer wipes. Great to clean your hands, wipe the handle of a shopping cart, use in a public restroom, the uses are endless. Set a box of these in your kitchen to wipe the counters before and after preparing meals. The uses are endless.

5. Use on your animals to remove ticks and kill flea’s. Put rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle and go to work on your animals. Ticks hate rubbing alcohol and will back right out. To fight flea’s on your animals you will need to saturate their coat with rubbing alcohol. I use a spray bottle to do this. I have used rubbing alcohol to fight flea’s with my animals for about 3 yrs. now. If needed you can spray your furniture with rubbing alcohol to ensure that any flea’s that may have found their way to it are killed as well. It is more work than just going and buying the flea and tick applications from the veterinary but it is much less costly.

6. I also use rubbing alcohol on my cell phone. It removes the residue that seems to build up on them and you don’t have to worry about it damaging anything on your phone. Rubbing alcohol is great to use on CD’s, & DVD’s to clean them. Wash your T.V. screen or computer screen. It leaves no streaks and cleans them very nice. Always make sure your electronics are shut off. I also use rubbing alcohol on my eye glasses to clean them. Seems like it cleans them better than anything else I have tried. It cuts the oils that get on the lenses.

7. This last summer I learned that all bugs dislike rubbing alcohol. With a spray bottle you can kill most bugs. Crickets, spider’s, ants, wasp, bee’s, beetle’s. I didn’t realize that something I use on a regular basis would be so great as an insect killer. Now that I have told you about killing the bugs. Rubbing alcohol is also good for insect bites. This could be another use for those homemade wipes. I know rubbing alcohol stings but it sure stops the itch and keeps infection from starting. I personally use rubbing alcohol on all my minor wounds. It seems to help them heal quicker and keeps them from becoming infected.

8. Last but not least you can use rubbing alcohol to massage sore and aching muscles. It smells bad but it does help the muscles relax. It also takes the soreness out of the muscles.

9. Need an ice pack that isn’t frozen solid. A friend told me that she uses a baggie and mixes 1 part rubbing alcohol to 3 parts water and freezes it. Some how the rubbing alcohol keeps the water at a slushy stage instead of freezing solid. That way the baggie will conform to the area you want to use it on. I have yet to try this but thought I would share it any way.

I am sure there are more uses for rubbing alcohol that I don’t know. Give any of these ideas a try and see if they work for you. Worst that could happen is you could save a little money and be a little less harsh on our environment.

Karla News

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