10 Best Blogs for Baby Boomers of 2011

When I wrote my first article about baby boomer blogs, “10 Best Baby Boomer Blogs of 2010”, I knew I wanted to continue searching for more boomer blogs in 2011.

So here it is. The following article lists more of my favorite baby boomer blogs for 2011. I reviewed blogs covering a variety of topics – caregiving, travel, finance & retirement, women’s issues, humor, and more. Also, I selected blogs that contributed posts on a fairly consistent basis.

Baby Boomer Insights – Whether you’re part of this generation or not, If you’re looking to know more about this influentual generation, this blog is a fantastic resource. A plethora of facts, statistics, tips, and helpful websites are found throughout this blog. Very informative!

Minding Our Elders – This informative blog is filled with lots of helpful tips and advice about caregiving and issues that arise when caring for aging loved ones. The blog is authored by Carol Bradley Bursack, author of “Minding our Elders: Caregivers Share Their Personal Stories” who answers a variety of questions from her blog readers. There’s also a section listing her favorite sites and blogs so the reader can find more information on the issue of caregiving.

My Itchy Travel Feet – Are you a boomer looking for fun, exciting, and unique travel adventures? If you are, then definitely check out this blog. This traveling husband and wife team give you a first-hand account of their traveling adventures. The blog is written by veteran travel writer Donna Hull and her husband is the blog’s photographer.

Boomer Girl Diary – Boomer Girl Diary is an intelligent blog that chronicles the life of a journalist and marketing professional. She gives an interesting take on daily life, menopause, men, shopping, beauty and fashion, food, family and more.

Geezer Planet – Ok, this site’s title will give you a chuckle even before checking out the content of this funny blog. If you’re looking for humor just for boomers, you’ve come to the right place. I love their tag line – “A place where eventually everyone goes”. You’ll find cartoons, jokes, funny videos, hilarious bumper stickers (and you can actually order them too!), and much more. If you’re having a bad day and need a good laugh, definitely check this blog out!

Help! Aging Parents – This encouraging and supportive blog is for everyone who wants insight on aging well. Written by a former high school counselor and author, Susan gives an interesting perspective on the issues facing aging parents and their adult children. With new posts each Tuesday and Saturday, readers will get good information and helpful tips each week. – This interesting blog discusses many aspects of the boomer generation including aging and the myths and realities that surround the whole issue of age in our lives. Its insightful perspective on the news of the day and how it affects the boomer generation makes this a blog a definite must-read.

Consumer Boomer – This financial-oriented blog focuses on a variety of financial issues facing baby boomers including retirement, investments, and financial planning.This father-son team (the son is a Gen X’er) provides lots of helpful information as well as a little humor mixed in the mix.

Baby Boomers U.S. – This blog has a little bit of everything in it – perspectives about current news and events, recommended books and resources, and more. There’s also a Baby Boomers blog carnival featured which has a variety of boomer bloggers writing on a variety of topics including health, retirement, current events, and more. Be sure to check out their forum as well.

As you can see, there’s a lot of interesting discussions going on in the boomer blogosphere right now. As time goes on, I imagine we’ll see even more boomer blogs being started focusing on this influential demographic.


Karla News

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