Categories: Diseases & Conditions

Trouble Sleeping: How to Reverse Insomnia

Insomnia, chronic lack of sleep, is quickly becoming a commonly reported disorder of adults in the United States. Insomnia has many causes ranging from physical disease, mental stress, mental disease, environmental factors, and heredity. Regardless of the cause, the treatment options are fairly standard. Sleeping problems must be dealt with swiftly to prevent deterioration of a person’s mental and physical health, and daily production. Untreated insomnia can affect relationships, careers, and basic abilities of daily living, such as driving. Statistics show that drivers falling asleep at the wheel are causing almost as many accidents as drunk drivers. So how do you cure insomnia?

Increase your daily exercise, being sedentary will only worsen the problem. You should try to avoid very strenuous activity within the two hours prior to sleep, as it could contribute to the problem. If you are a very sedentary person normally it shouldn’t take too much to exercise your system. Start with a short walk after dinner, and increase the distance as time passes, and your body adjusts to this level of exercise. If you are already accustomed to exercising then you may want to push it to the next level and join a gym. It is preferable to go to the gym in the morning hours. Throughout your day do your best to avoid caffeine, coffee, and any other dietary stimulants. If you can’t eliminate them completely, at least avoid them from the late afternoon on. And try drinking a glass of warm milk before bed, the lactaid in the milk has been known to induce sleep. Aside from the warm milk, you should avoid eating three hours prior to bedtime. Make sure you use the toilet right before bed to avoid unexpected urges waking you in the night.

Avoiding stress before bedtime is a major factor in curing your insomnia. Many people have trouble sleeping due to the mental stress and frustration caused by their daily activities. It is important to learn to clear your mind, and relax. Relaxation techniques, such as slow, deep breathing, can be very helpful. Another technique is imagery. You have to imagine yourself in a relaxing spot of your liking, such as a beach. To master this technique will require a lot of concentration. The best results come from how hard you commit to this image. For example, if you picture yourself on a beach, try to smell the coconut oil, feel the soft, white sand under your feet, and hear the incoming waves. Imagery can be difficult at first, but over time will become very easy to use. It is also a good tool if you are in a very stressful situation that you cannot exit. It can provide a few minutes of relieve from the stress.

If one of your problems is worrying about things for the next day, then put a pen and pad at your bedside. Before you go to sleep, try to identify what is worrying you. Then jot down a plan of resolution that can be acted upon the next day. Then go straight to sleep.

Environmentally there are things you can do to induce sleep. Try wearing loose fitting, soft, breathable, weather appropriate pajamas. If your clothing is too tight, warm or cold, or causes sweating, chances are they will cause you to awaken several times throughout the night. If you read before bed keep it light. Avoid work related materials, financial materials, or personal letters containing any stressful news. A good book with light reading is recommended. Keep the room you sleep in dark, cool, and quiet. Turn off the lights, television, and radio before you settle down. Make sure the room isn’t too warm or humid, as this will cause you to awaken at night. If necessary use your air conditioning or a fan to cool the room.

These tips should help cure your insomnia and grant you the sleep your body desperately needs. If for any reason you have tried all of these tips and are still suffering from insomnia, then you will need to see your Primary Care Physician immediately. There are many physical and mental disorders that could be causing your incurable insomnia.

Karla News

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