Categories: History

How to Write a Family History

Don’t rely solely on your memory of your parents and relatives for future reference. Not only will you want to know about your ancestors but your children will be interested in knowing about past generations, and so will their off spring. Sooner or later everyone wants to know something from the past. Be it about their great grandfather or an uncle. Taking note of your family tree and writing down all the information you know and can gather is a wise decision. If something happens to one of your loved ones and you do not have memorabiliaof them you could regret it.

It always seems to happen that after someone dies we wish we would have asked this or that. Because we are lacking in information in certain areas. What better way to recall the past by gather up the proof of peoples lives for the generations to come. Or maybe you will want to write a book or have the information preserved for your own children and for your own individual memories as well.

You will want to have some of these items Documented for Future Reference of your loved ones:

– Pictures

– Documents

– Video Recordings

– Taped Voice

-A Written Memoirof their life.

-Any Reminiscence Items of them.

There are different styles for Preserving Family Information listed below.
A Genealogy, book which is based on the genealogy format report. A family history book can be a few pages or hundreds. The basic printing decisions will require some thought and experimenting. Try not to make your book a recitation of names, dates and places. Add as much story as you possibly can. You can include other charts that you feel are interesting or helpful.

Autobiography, you don’t have to be famous to have a story about your life. Try leaving a piece of you behind in memories for future generations by doing an Autobiography.

Memoir, written memoirs, video recording or with a voice recorder. However you want to do it to leave important information behind for future generations.
Reminiscence, a remembered experience to document for later generations. However you want to do it. To recall or to pass down the memory for later generations.

Family Histories are fascinating and important for future generations to know about. You might want to write about your immediate family; or perhaps you want to Research and Write about the history of your ancestors. If you don’t do anything about it now than the important information will be lost forever, if no one writes it down.

Example: I would love to know about my great grandparents and my great, great grandparents. Unfortunately there is little to no information. Don’t let that happen to you. Start gathering up information today!

a.) Get started by asking questions. Write it down, or audio record it.

b.) What problems and obstacles did your ancestors face?

c.) What type of person were they?

d.) What did they do for a living?

e.) How many kids did they have?

And so forth, documenting chronologically, geographically, by character, or by theme. You will want to do your Research by gathering all information, and documents. You could have it printed in booklet form for family, and any others who are interested. To help you get started there is a desktop publishing program located in the reference section of this page that is for free to use. You will want to search old photo albums for snapshots of other relatives. You even can publish the family history yourself, without having to take it to a printer.

Talk with your parents and relatives; record their memories on paper, audio cassette, or videotape. When gathering information; you should ask him / her what meant the most to them in their lifetime. You will need to ask a lot of questions. Always be prepared and have a list of questions ready. Don’t forget to bring along what you will need for the interview so you can write down, or record what they tell you. You will want to go through any old letters and other forms of memorabilia that are available.

Visit relatives and ask them questions, take photos of people and of their homes, where they lived. Some information to consider asking about: old songs, dances, school years, special dates, and events. In addition, don’t forget the loved ones that have already crossed over. Go to the cemeteries where ancestors are buried. . When you begin to research your family history, you’ll get to know your parents and grandparents in a different way. You’ll see them through their recollections and the memories. Shared memories are part of what makes a family. Pass down the information and maybe items for the generations to come.

Don’t let your family history be forgotten record the family tree and remember to do these things:
1. Do your homework
2. Ask Questions
3. Tape, or video recording.
4. Patience, don’t be in a big hurry for collecting all the information at once.
5. Don’t interrupt, it could throw them off important information. Making them sidetracked.
6. Save questions about details for later.
7. Listen for clues to whole new topics to consider.

8. Pursue truth, and accurate information. Check facts for proof of information.
9. Let them ramble, sometimes by letting people caring on something important could come out of the woodwork. So just pay attention and listen.
10. Keep your opinions to yourself. Just document the information.
11. Save sensitive matters until late in the interview.
12. Do they need a break? People get tired; treat them to a drink.
13. Ask for other family records and additional information.

Every family has stories both good, and bad. The stories are often lost as time goes by. You will want to make sure you get original records, photos, pedigree charts, maps and other illustrations can also add interest to a family. Don’t forget to check the facts.


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