Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

The Kashi GoLEAN Diet – Can it Work for You?

Commercial diet plans continue to be a popular choice for many dieters around the world, an opportunity to skip cooking each meal and turn to powdered shakes, snack bars, and meal replacements instead. The Kashi GoLEAN diet offers dieters a more ‘natural’ approach to dieting with a lineup of high quality shakes, bars and cereals for the day. You can even find Kashi entrees in the freezer section at the grocery store which can be a healthy ending to a day when you need to prepare a nutritious meal.

But does the Kashi GoLEAN diet really work? And is it the right diet plan for your lifestyle? Here’s what you need to know about the Kashi GoLEAN diet plan:

Kashi GoLEAN Diet – The Basics
The Kashi GoLEAN Diet is designed with just five meals throughout the day; you’ll start with one serving of either Kashi GoLEAN Crunch or regular Kashi GoLEAN cereal that is made with whole grains and natural sweeteners. Soy milk or lowfat milk is recommended for breakfast, and you’ll start the day off with quality protein.

Lunch consists of a powdred shake which is available in a large 1.15 lb. can; you only need to mix 2 scoops of the shake mix with soy milk or water, and can mix it in a blender with ice for a creamy, smoothie-like drink.

A snack is recommended a couple of hours after lunch, and you have a choice of five flavors of GoLEAN Chewy snack bars. These are different than standard granola bars – they’re much more dense and satisfying, and also contain protein and fiber which can fill you up for a few hours.

The Kashi GoLEAN diet plan recommends one healthy meal to end the day with, and this does not have to be a Kashi product. Still, if it’s convenience you’re looking for, Kashi does offer a number of tasty pre-packaged entrees available in your grocer’s freezer. You can choose entreees such as Black Bean Mango, Pesto Pasta Primavera, or Lemongrass Coconut Chicken. Most contain 350-400 calories per serving, and under 10 grams of fat. They’re also high in fiber and protein.

Dessert is not required and you may be plenty full after a day of high fiber foods on the Kashi GoLEAN diet plan. Still, you can enjoy half a Kashi GoLEAN Chewy Bar if you need something sweet, or if you have a long night ahead of you.

Kashi GoLEAN Diet – Average Cost Per Day
If you stick with an entire day’s worth of Kashi GoLEAN products and one prepared meal from the freezer, here’s how much you can expect to spend:

Breakfast: One serving of Kashi GoLEAN Cereal: $0.50 (plus the cost of milk)

Lunch: One Kashi GoLEAN Powdered Shake: $2.14

Snack: One Kashi GoLEAN Chewy Bar: $1.50

Dinner: Kashi Entrée of choice: $3.50

Dessert: ½ Kashi GoLEAN Chewy Bar: $0.75

Total for Kashi GoLEAN diet day: $8.39 plus the cost of milk for cereal and your shake per day. This equates to $58.73 of Kashi GoLEAN products per week, or $234.92 per month. You won’t be eating out or snacking on any other food for this plan, so the cost savings may be an added benefit.

Bottom Line: If you enjoy a structured meal plan, The GoLean Diet plan can be an effective healthy eating strategy for you. The plan is simple and won’t leave you hungry – one of the biggest challenges when dieting – and you have just enough flexibility to try different flavors for the shakes and bars each day. Planning your meals is easy with this plan, and it’s easy to travel with the snack bars and powdered shake.

Since you can still eat a ‘real’ meal at the end of the day, it can be easy to balance out your diet without feeling deprived. Overall, the GoLEAN Diet plan offers many benefits for anyone looking for a sensible diet with real food. Each product is free of additives and sweeteners, and made with nutritious Kashi grains.

Karla News

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