Categories: Pets

The Dangers of Homemade Doggie Treats

It’s no secret, dogs love doggie treats. For many dogs, however, the taste and texture of store bought treats leads to a finicky and overweight family pet. For many dog owners, and dog lovers, preparing homemade doggie treats for the family pet has become a common meal preparation in the home. Performing the doggie treat preparation with children, using creative cookie cutters, will provide for an experience in cooking and food preparation and will also create a family fun event with the family dog in mind.

When preparing homemade doggie treats, many dog owners will turn to online recipe ideas. Unfortunately, some of the doggie treat recipes found online may be unhealthy and, in rare cases, life threatening to the family dog. Understanding the basic food danger for a dog will ensure a more healthy doggie treat experience for the family pet.

Of primary concern is the use of fresh fruits in the preparation of doggie treats. Because most fresh fruit seeds contain a chemical known as cyanogenic glycoside, fresh fruits should not be used in the preparation of the family dog’s homemade treats. Cyanogenic glycoside results in a dangerous cyanide poisoning in canines, often leading to death. In the most mild of cases, using fresh fruit in homemade doggie treats can, at least, result in significant illness symptoms such as dry heaving and vomiting. When preparing homemade doggie treats, avoid the use of fresh fruits such as apricots, cherries and apples.

Along the same line as fresh fruits lies the danger of grapes and raisins. When preparing homemade doggie treats, dog owners should avoid the use of grapes and raisins as an ingredient. While research has shown the use of raisins, in very low quantities, may not result in a health risk, the use of raisins and grapes, in large quantities, may be toxic to the canine. Specific chemicals in grapes and raisins may attribute to common ailments such as diarrhea, vomiting and, in most cases, lead to kidney failure. As a dog owner preparing homemade doggie treats, avoiding the use of raisins and grapes is highly recommended.

And, finally, when preparing homemade doggie treats, dog owners should avoid the use of chocolate. While this ingredient is commonly known to be detrimental to a family dog, many dog owners do not know the basis on which this danger lies. Simply put, chocolate, specifically cocoa, contains a chemical known as theobromine. Within a canine physiological system, theobromine increases a dog’s heart rate, creates an excessive urge for activity, often leading to dehydration. Coupled with this physiological change the dog will also commonly experience loss of water retention capability and, as a result, appear overly thirsty. When these two situation present together, the condition is fatal to dogs and often leads to kidney, or renal, failure.

Preparing homemade doggie treats is an activity many dog owners begin when children are small. With the assistance of children in the kitchen, preparing treats for the family dog is educational, challenging and rewarding. To ensure the children are protected from unnecessary detriment, research the ingredients of the doggie treat recipe to ensure harm will not come to the family dog.


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