Categories: LIFESTYLE

Surviving Grief – One Step at a Time

With all the catastrophic events taking place worldwide, so many people are experiencing the loss of loved ones. Here are a few ways to help one cope in the process of overcoming grief.

Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes – you name it, and it’s there. Our world is transitioning, and unfortunately, many people are being thrown into the throes of this transitioning process, especially when it comes to losing loved ones. Be it the loss of family, lovers, friends or even one’s most cherished pets, grief is inevitable.

But grief is also a normal cycle of life which the majority of us must face at some point or other in our lives, whether world transitioning is there or not.

The loss and death of loved ones has been proven to be one of the most psychological painful experiences that one is left to endure. Whatever or however the situation, grief is survivable. The first crucial steps involved are first coming to terms with the realization that the death of a loved one has happened and taking the time to listen to what has been helpful to others.

This can be quite beneficial for those of us who find themselves new to the experience.

The Shock

When the death of a loved one is unexpected or sudden, it is quite normal to feel shock or an insulating numbness. This response is nature’s way of protecting the mind and body.

The typical duration of shock can last around a month. For some more or less, depending on the circumstances. After the shock begins to slowly lift and dissipate, then the process of having to work through the onslaught of grieving begins.

Let there be no malcomprehension:

Grief does not only take its toll both physically and emotionally upon a human being, but for one’s overall welfare to spirit, mind and body, there is a time-consuming factor which is relevant in the mending and healing.

As well, once the shock or numbness starts to diminish, one can feel like they’re going through a rough roller-coaster ride with the weaving of emotions going back and forth.

It is natural for the bereaved to fluctuate through intense feelings of melancholy, loneliness, guilt, depression and anger. One may experience their state of perception and mind changing from day to day, if not hour to hour.

However, understanding this stage of loss can be helpful, as this agonizing outcome is to be expected.

Working to Heal From Grief

These sombre early days in working towards a remedy, are probably the worst and most excruciating.

Understanding that there will eventually be light at the end of the tunnel is significant to remember in order to improve. Time is an essential factor for the bereaved person, and patience is a necessity.

Realistically, there is a part of one that will always miss their deceased loved one, as nothing will ever fill the space they once occupied within an individual’s life and heart force. But as time wears on, a certain resiliency and adaptation begins to emerge, rendering the pain far less intense.

Throughout the process of mending, taking care of one’s physical needs is essential, as bereavement can leave one more vulnerable to variable illnesses and ailments with its heavy toll on one’s system of immunity. Therefore, it is crucial to understand that receiving proper nourishment is needed along with regular exercising.

With psychological pain tending to be so overwhelming, this may prove to be somewhat challenging as self-neglect can easily come about. When such lows take place, it is important to remember that there are people still alive who love and need their own loved ones to remain healthy.

Unfortunately, in our death-denying society, most are conditioned to believe that after a few days off of work people are expected to move on with their lives and to stop mourning and leave death behind. It isn’t that easy for a person in a state of bereavement.

Realistically, it typically may take anywhere from a year extending even into two years for people to start functioning like themselves and to normally feel emotionally balanced again.

Even through this fragile duration, there can occur what is known as “grief relapses”, which can unexpectedly be triggered by something remembered as simple as a song or significant events which were shared between the bereaving person and their passed loved one.

It is wise to understand that this may serve as a necessary ingredient in the way of unfolding a more optimistic outlook within the grieving experience. Instead of regarding or perceiving the associated elements as painful, this may very well be an opportunity to help one come to terms by allowing peace to enter.

What helps?

There are many ways to help one deal with grief.

Private counselling or connecting with others who have been subjugated to similar loss experiences can secure a road to recovery more quickly. Turning towards private spiritual meditation can be helpful as well. Understanding that life continues even after physical death offers great nurturing assistance. Taking spirituality into consideration while grieving can unfold a deeper sense of peace with the passing of the loved one(s).

As well, talking openly to a deceased loved one has been proven to help. Whether a deceased loved one can hear one addressing them or not, is not as siginficant as permitting or allowing the pain to have an outlet for expression.

Taking a vacation to change one’s ideas is beneficial, as well as pampering oneself by socializing and meeting up with good friends. Taking long walks, soaking in a hot tub, working in a garden and reading good books are also ways to find inner comfort.

All these ways serve towards the purpose of self-healing. And one need not feel the slightest guilt in whatever they deem is a necessity for their over-all betterment.

In other words, it’s important for one to know that they have every right to continue their life.


Time, tears and patience are all part of the remedy in the process of healing.

Though losing a precious loved one can seem that all days are forever cloudy, a day does finally arrive where one will find themself smiling, being at peace, laughing and enjoying life once again. Not all is lost.

Karla News

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