Categories: Food & Wine

3 Recipes for Dogs – Dog Kibble, Dog Cookies, Dog Biscuits

Below are my top 3 dog recipes on Associated Content. The first is for homemade dog kibble, the second is for homemade Christmas cookies for dogs and the third is for gourmet dog biscuits. The recipes are fun to make and your dog will love eating his homemade kibble and special treats! If you have any concerns about feeding your dog these recipes or any homemade dog food recipe always ask your veterinarian if the homemade food is okay for your particular dog.

HOW TO MAKE HOMEMADE DOG KIBBLE: You can save money and treat your dog to extra special food by making your own dog kibble! This is a fun recipe to make with your kids and your dogs will love it! This makes a fairly large batch and you will need to store it in the refrigerator. You can adjust the recipe to make an extra large batch of homemade dog kibble and freeze it until you’re ready to use it. You can also add special ingredients to suit your dog’s taste buds!

GATHER YOUR INGREDIENTS — You will need the following ingredients to make homemade dog kibble: 4 cups whole wheat flour, 2 cups rolled oats (dry oatmeal), 3 cups of cooked brown rice, 2 cups of powdered milk (instant milk), 3 cups of water or broth (chicken or beef), 4 eggs, one cup of lard or shortening.

PREPARE THE KIBBLE MIXTURE — Mix the flour, oats, rice, powdered milk and water or broth. Then beat the 4 eggs with a fork and add the eggs and the shortening or lard into the flour mixture. Mix until well blended using a big spoon or your hands.

CUSTOMIZE THE KIBBLE MIXTURE — If your dog loves a certain ingredient, you can add it to the kibble mix. You can add cuts of lean cooked meat, bits of cooked carrots, thawed frozen peas, or any other ingredient your dog loves.

BAKE THE KIBBLE MIX — You want to pour your kibble batter into a shallow pan so it will cook evenly. You can use a cookie sheet, a pizza pan or any pan. Just don’t make it too thick. You can use several shelves in your oven or you can just make separate batches. Bake at 200 degrees for at least 45 minutes. You want the kibble to be dry.

STORE THE KIBBLE MIX — After the kibble mix is cooked, let it cool fully then rip it apart into small pieces. Store in a plastic container in the refrigerator and use as needed. You should use it within two weeks. If you can’t use it in time, you can freeze it in plastic bags then thaw as needed.

HOW TO MAKE CHRISTMAS COOKIES FOR DOGS: If you are thinking about giving your dog a treat this Christmas, here is the perfect gift! Fill his Christmas stocking with homemade Christmas cookies for dogs! Don’t have a dog? Make these Christmas cookies for dogs and give them to your dog loving friends! The dogs will love the Christmas cookies and your friends will love the thought and effort you put into making them. Of course, you don’t have to make the cookies just for Christmas. You can make them for any holiday or occasion!

GATHER THE INGREDIENTS — You will need the following ingredients to make the dog Christmas cookies: 1/2 cup cornmeal, 6 tablespoons vegetable oil, 2/3 cup water or broth (chicken or beef), and 2 cups of whole wheat flour.

GATHER THE SUPPLIES — You will need the following supplies to make the dog Christmas cookies: a rolling pin or any round item that can be used as a rolling pin, Christmas shaped cookie cutters (or you can just cut free hand), and a cookie sheet.

MIX THE INGREDIENTS — Mix the cornmeal and the whole wheat flour then add the oil and water (or broth). You can also add some food coloring if you want red or green bones (you can spilt the dough and make both colors). Mix the mush with your hands. If it’s too wet, add some more flour. If it’s too dry, add a bit more water (or broth). Do not be overly concerned about getting it just right. As long as you can roll it out, you’re good! Fido won’t care if it’s perfect or not.

CUT AND BAKE THE DOG CHRISTMAS COOKIES — Roll the dough out onto a floured board until it’s about 14 inch thick. Then cut shapes with cookie cutters or just cut free hand. Place the cookies on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper and bake at 350 degrees for about 30 to 35 minutes (over cooked is better than undercooked). Remove from the oven and let cool. Store in plastic bags and give to dogs for Christmas!

HOW TO MAKE GOURMET DOG BISCUITS: You dog probably loves his treats. But buying dog biscuits can get expensive. You can make gourmet dog biscuits in your kitchen. You save money and your dog gets gourmet treats! It’s a win win situation!

GATHER YOUR INGREDIENTS — To make your gourmet dog biscuits you will need 1 pound of raw liver (beef or chicken), 6 cups white flour, 2 cups dry oatmeal, 3 bouillon cubes (beef or chicken flavor), 1 cup of water, and 2 beaten eggs.

MAKE THE DOUGH — Chop the liver in food processor. Mix the flour, oats, and the crushed bouillon cubes (you can crush them with a hammer). Add the eggs and the chopped liver and mix. Add enough water to make a firm dough.

CUT THE BISCUITS — Roll the dough out to about 1/2 inch thick. Cut into shapes using a bone shape cookie cutter or use the mouth of a large glass to make round biscuits. You can also cut shape freehand or cut into strips.

COOK THE BISCUITS — Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease two or three cookie sheets and put the biscuits on the cookie sheets so they do not touch. Bake for 1 hour. Store the gourmet dog biscuits in any covered container or zip lock bag in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

Do you think your dog would like a new dog bed? If so, you must check out my article Craft Project: Simple No-Sew Dog Bed. You can make your dog a new bed today! And if you need some Halloween costume ideas for your dog, you must check out my other article Halloween Costumes for Your Dog!. And if you are into spoiling your pampered pet, you will enjoy this article How to Spoil Your Dog with Bling!. Woof!

Karla News

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