Categories: Shopping & Fashion

Shopping Guide for Lip Plumping Glosses

Ever since Angelina Jolie’s lips became famous (and maybe even before that), women have been going to great lengths to make their lips look bigger. Gone are the days of “drawing in” plumper lips with a lip pencil, thank goodness. Instead, we now have a huge variety of lip plumpers to shop for the right gloss that gives our lips that extra oomph. If you’re tired of testing new products over and over, pay attention to this shopping guide and you’ll be able to navigate to the perfect lip plumping gloss for you in no time at all.

How Do Lip Plumpers Work?
This is one of those moments where cosmetics and science unite. Lip plumping products are typically very practical in their approach: if you can’t draw bigger lips, how can you make the existing lips appear bigger? Usually, you’ll find a lip plumping formula works in one of these three ways, according to Daily Glow:

  • Some products irritate the lips to create the illusion of fullness.
  • Others amp up the blood flow to your lips and create temporary swelling.
  • Finally, others stimulate your lips’ production of hyaluronic acid and collagen to plump them up naturally, and achieve longer-lasting results.

Given the choice, you’ll probably want to talk about that third option, the one that can help you have plumper lips even if you leave your gloss at home for the day. While temporary lip plumpers have their purpose in the world as well, they’re also a dime a dozen these days. Pick one of those up at your local drugstore… or go straight for results that last with collagen-boosting formulas instead.

Shopping for Lip Plumping Glosses That Last
Products that trigger collagen production in the body aren’t exactly new. In fact, many of your firming creams and anti-aging products probably contain similar ingredients to achieve their own version of the same results. In a lip plumping product, these collagen-boosters can give you more semi-permanent results. It’s not a once-and-done effect, but you also won’t need to apply these glosses constantly to get fuller lips all the time.

To shop for such products, check the ingredient label. The best versions include peptides and retinol (vitamin A) to gradually achieve fuller lips over time. Using a lip gloss containing these ingredients can help you to boost your lip plumpness and keep it that way for much longer.

Some Lip Plumpers to Try
That being said, which lip plumping glosses will get the job done? You should expect to pay a little more for these longer-lasting formulas, but not a mini fortune. Check out some of these brands and choose for yourself:

  • Lip Plumper by Char Beauty. This plumper does some work in the short term by increasing blood flow while it also helps you achieve longer-lasting results with its effective ingredients. Shop this dual-action plumper for $35 online.
  • Neostrata Anti Wrinkle Lip Enhancers. If you want a product that helps fight aging while plumping those lips, give this formula a try. It’s effective ingredients include both retinol and biopeptides for that natural enhancement and it also combats fine lines and thinning lips at the same time, all for about $30!
  • Paula Dorf Perfect Illusion for Lips. Get lush, kissable lips with this lip enhancer that also banishes lip lines and imperfections. It’s a great treatment to use overnight or during the day with your regular lip color. Shop this one for around $24.

There are many other great brands out there offering retinol- and peptide-enhanced formulas to help you achieve long-lasting lip plumping results. Check out other options like kaplanMD’s Lip 20 Treatment, NP Set Lip Stain & Plumper, Clinicians Complex Lip Enhancer, Lip Surge by Ken Paves, and more to pick the one that’s best for you.

Daily Glow. Lip Plumper and How to Choose the Best Product.

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