Categories: LIFESTYLE

Punk, Emo and Gothic Styles: They’re Not the Same Thing!

It has come to my attention that some people mix the terms of punk, emo and even gothic with no knowledge of any of the styles. There are even more subdivisions stemming from these. I’m not into labeling styles or people, but these are not the same! It’s even worse when people categorize all punk music as “emo.

The punk style is perhaps the most known and mainstream of all of the “alternative” styles. It has been around and simply stands for being different–rebelling against conformity. The style evolved from alternative punk music.

The latest thing to come alive in the alternative music scene is “emo” music. People have all sorts of ways of defining it, but simply put, it means emotional punk. The cliche image with the emo style is guys wearing tight jeans and combing their long hair over their faces. While punk and emo styles can be interchangeable, I’m sick of hearing a bunch of people call all punkers emo.

I was wearing a studded belt the other day and some ignorant guy asked me if I listened to depressing music because I wore an emo belt. It’s not an emo belt! At the least, it can be attributed to an element from the punk style. There wouldn’t be such a big problem with the mixing of these terms if people didn’t have such hardwired classifications. We all know that emo people are supposed to be depressed and cutting themselves all the time. While some people fall under this, they are certainly not to all be branded “emo.”

Emo, after all, came from a music movement. This goes to show what an impact music has on our lives. It’s great to show emotion in your music–some bands do push the envelope with depressing and hating lyrics–but just because you listen to something doesn’t mean you slit your wrists etc. But because so many people have stereotypes, it’s annoying to hear people calling other people emo. In my opinion, calling someone a punk is fine… that style is more accepted as an actual style.

Then there are those that are so far off base that they think Goths are punk or emo. They may be, but Gothic itself is a belief system–one that I don’t know much about. However, I do know Goths wear a lot of black and follow a certain lifestyle. Punks may wear black too. They aren’t Gothic.

What you wear and what type of music you listen to does not determine who you are! I listen to everything and wear whatever I want to wear, mixing styles. Just next time I wear my studded belt, do not jump to conclusions and think that I’m emo or gothic!

Karla News

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