Punk Music

The Top 10 Best Political Punk Songs

Below are the top 10 political punk songs. Punk grew out of Rock and Roll's 70s self-absorbed self-indulgence and instrumental…

1 week ago

NOFX Band Biography and Discography

If you know anything about punk rock music, the band NOFX should at least be in your top 10 or…

4 months ago

The History of Punk Rock Music

Punk Rock music is an anti-establishment music movement that began around 1974-1975. It can also be used to describe subsequent…

8 months ago

“Pop-Punk” Labeling Should End

I have to defend the bands I like. I have to explain what the music to which I constantly listen…

9 months ago

Rise Against 2011 CD Endgame Review

Every year a plethora of music is poured into the market, one hit wonders and fresh takes from old contenders…

3 years ago

Punk, Emo and Gothic Styles: They’re Not the Same Thing!

It has come to my attention that some people mix the terms of punk, emo and even gothic with no…

4 years ago

Dookie, Green Day: ’90s Album Review

One of my favorite '90s albums has got to be Green Day's Dookie. Despite the odd name, it was a…

4 years ago

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