Categories: Fertility & Pregnancy

Protect Your Baby: Food and Drinks to Avoid During Pregnancy

If you are pregnant, you want the best for everything – the best doctor, best name, best crib, and more. So, of course, you want your baby to get the best nutrition during the crucial nine months. You’re eating right and taking your prenatal vitamin.

But did you know that there are several foods to avoid? To help prevent complications and medical issues in your little miracle, there are several foods that it’s necessary to steer clear from. The following list outlines food and drinks that you should not consume during pregnancy.

When I became pregnant with my little boy a few years ago, I wanted to do everything right. I went to one doctor (that I ended up not using) who said “Just don’t eat raw fish.” (I’m assuming he thought I already knew about alcohol.) However, when I looked online, I found a.lot of evidence and information about other foods too.

Although it is very important to stay away from these foods, the risks for problems in most of them (except for alcohol consumption) is relatively low. So, if you’re already pregnant and have consumed something on this list, try not to worry. Consult your doctor for advice.


Now is the time to say buh-bye to all alcoholic beverages – at least for the next 9 to 10 months. (Personally, I think it should be a lot longer than that, but at least refrain from drinking while you’re pregnant.) Alcohol can lead to mild or several mental and/or physical birth defects in a newborn. Drinking alcohol at any time in your pregnancy is linked Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. This is a very serious disorder that can have lifelong affects on your baby. .As promoted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, FAS is 100% preventable. So, please for the sake of your little miracle, don’t drink. If it’s difficult for you, seek help asap. You can locate a treatment center right here or you can call the National Clearinghouse for Drug and Alcohol Information at 1-800-729-6686.

Some types of Fish and Sushi with Raw Fish

If you’re a big sushi fan, its time to put your pastime on hold for right now. Eating raw fish is risky because it contains parasites or other bacteria that could harm the baby and you. You can read more about it here. Also, there is some fish that you should not eat, whether raw or not. It might contain high levels of mercury, which could possibility harm your developing baby. Visit this section of the American Pregnancy Association for a list of fish that you should avoid. There is some fish that you can eat in moderation. But, if you’re not sure, it’s better avoid all fish to be safe.

Luncheon/Deli Meat

OK, this one really scared me. No one told me about avoiding luncheon meet and I ate a few sandwiches in my first trimester. I’m sure plenty of women do, but there is a very small risk for complications, so it should be avoided. If you on the CDC Web-Site, you will see that there is a risk for listeriosis from eating deli meats. According to the CDC, pregnant women are 20 times more likely than healthy women to become infected with listeriosis. It can cause harm to an unborn baby and possibly cause miscarriage.

Raw Eggs

Raw Eggs should not be consumed during pregnancy because of the risk of salmonella. So, you should never eat raw cookie dough, drink egg-nog that has raw eggs, eat salad dressing that uses raw eggs, etc. Salmonella can be transmitted to the fetus and cause complications.

Unpasteurized Soft Cheeses / Unpasteurized Milk

Eating soft cheeses (and drinking unpasteurized milk) can be dangerous because of the risk of listeria infection. It is very rare, but can cause complications. Do not eat any cheese unless you know it has come from pasteurized milk. If you live on a farm, now is also the time to stop drinking milk that is unpasteurized.

Tap Water in Some Countries

If for some reason you’ll be out the country during your pregnancy, and going to an underdeveloped country, it is best to drink bottled water only. You can catch parasites and diseases that might harm your baby. Ask your doctor for more advice.


To help reduce the risk of a peanut allergy in your child, it is recommended that you avoid eating peanuts. This is especially true if you or your baby’s father has a history of peanut allergy.

Some other tips:
Be sure to wash all vegetables to prevent getting toxoplasmosis.

Never eat raw or undercooked meat. Be sure to cook all meat thoroughly.

Try to eat at restaurants with good health inspection ratings. (Some TV new stations will air ratings, sometimes newspapers will report

Wash your hands several times when handling meat and eggs.

Consult your doctor for any concerns.

Congratulations! Have a happy and healthy 9 Months!


Karla News

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