Categories: Fitness & Exercise

Hula Hoops and Zombies: My Exercise Routine

People typically laugh when I tell them my weekly workout plan. It seems geared more towards entertaining a child than motivating a 31 year old woman. When you stop and think about it, though, which are you more likely to stay true to, a boring repetitive gym routine or a fun and exciting workout regime?

Hula Hoops!

I start my routine with my hula hoop and hula hoop for 20-30 minutes before work every day. Hula hooping sounds like kids stuff, but this is not a Toys R Us hula hoop. It’s larger and heavier; designed specifically for exercise. I crank some energetic music and start shimmying with my hoop. Hula hooping is great because it’s a full body work out. Once you get the hang of manipulating the hoop you can work out arms, legs, abs, buttocks… all sorts of muscles! It can also be done rain or shine, in the living room or in the backyard.

On the Job

I’m not a morning person, so after hula hooping I’m usually rushing to get ready for work. A desk job isn’t overly conducive to exercising, but during the work day I try to do little things to help stay active as much as possible. I park on the far end of the lot so that I have to take a walk to my office. I use the stairs whenever. Instead of sitting and chatting during breaks I go for 10 minute walks through the apple orchard that we are lucky enough to have on the property, weather permitting.


Of course, after a long hard day at work what I really want to do is sit around and play video games. I’m a nerd like that. That isn’t exactly the healthiest most productive expenditure of time, though. So instead, I found an activity that’s like a *real life* video game.

Want to work out? There’s an app for that and my app of choice to keep me on my workout track and off the couch 5 days a week is called Zombies, Run!

Zombies, Run! uses your smart phone to create an immersive storyline (just like those video games that I love) and guide you through it via audio commands. I get a fantastic work out under the premise that I’m running away from zombies and collecting items necessary to survive the apocalypse by following my phone’s orders. It’s extremely versatile and can be used anywhere at any speed. Whether you want to go running in an urban area or hiking in wooded hills, Zombies, Run! will certainly keep you going!

Why it Works

I think a weekly workout plan works best when you actually look forward to being active. That’s why I’ve tried to make my routine fun, exciting, and uniquely catered to me and the things that I enjoy.

Karla News

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