Categories: Education

How to Write a Stellar Personal Statement for Graduate School

Let’s say your grades in undergraduate school were mediocre. Your work history isn’t even that great, and your network of connections is a bit weak. So the admissions officers face towards you and ask, “Now give us a cogent reason for why we should let you in.”

You scratch your head; you’re vocally paralyzed. Their intense eyes (and your lack of preparation) discomfit you to the point of inertia.

Yet it doesn’t seem quite fair. You have passion, you know that you are intelligent that you would be an excellent candidate.

Get it down on paper and win their hearts through your personal statement. I am sure that you have the content of the paper in your head; the key is getting it across in the right form. Here are some tips to molding your personal statement so that your accomplishments and strengths catch the attention of the admissions personnel. Make an impression upon them and make them realize how great you are.

1) Brainstorm. Before you begin writing, take the time to think about what your future career and personal goals are and the intricate way you plan to be a part of them. Critically appraise your motives and dreams, as well as the lessons you have learned or hope to learn. Then you can begin to write down what you think are the most important aspects of you. Have there been any significant life events in your past that have shaped the current you? Is there something about your relationship with your family that has determined an interesting life path for you? What or who has been influential in your life? What initially attracted you to the field that you now intend to delve further into? Can you find any links to how this field fits your personality? How it ties in with your belief system? Perhaps a bout with illness has influenced your decision to study health and wellness. Try to make a map of all the connections. Brainstorm over lunch. Brainstorm while soaking in the tub. Brainstorm while riding the subway. Brainstorm before you go to sleep and you may even find answers in your dreams. I recommend brainstorming in different places and at different times of the day. A variety in your environment may trigger new ideas and connections.

2) Pick your highlights. Though everything in your life may feel important to you, not all of them belong in a graduate school personal statement. Pretend that you are a member of the admissions committee: What would you like to hear? If you feel that compassion is your strong suit, don’t talk about how your friends think you’re so sweet. Write about how your compassionate nature made you choose your field and how it would make you an excellent candidate for working in a profession that is related to this field. Have you surmounted any obstacles or barriers? Instead of talking about how you won the heart of the man or woman of your dreams, take that persistence and relate it to how great youfd be in business or marketing. The admissions personnel want to hear about any skills or personal qualities that both set you apart and make you well-suited for their school. These are the things you should highlight.

3) Begin your saga. The best way to catch their attention is with a grand opening paragraph. Don’t be pompous and throw in a Shakespearean quote (unless it really means something significant to you and ties in with the entire theme of your essay.) As I write in point 6, you can use humor or an unexpected beginning. The beginning paragraph is where you’ll make a lasting first impression. Then continue writing and explaining your background and experiences in order to set the stage for–

4) The climax. Amongst all your highlights, pick the strongest one. There probably is one that has made the biggest impact upon you, one that could, in this beautiful, eloquent essay of yours, tie everything together into one meaningful package. All that you’ve written will then make perfect sense and your audience will be both regaled and awed.

5) Remember, be concise. I know that you’re tempted to expatiate upon your interests and goals, especially when the act of writing this story has gotten you excited, but I can assure you that brevity is much appreciated. You see, the audience you are writing for is pressed for time; they have thousands of such essays to read, and do not have the time to peruse rambling discursive pieces (and certainly do not want your entire autobiography). So focus your essay upon the salient accomplishments and personal characteristics that you have jotted down. Cut off any extraneous information that could potentially have a putrefying effect on the essay.

6) Make it fun to read. Don’t be goofy, but do make it a pleasure to read. I can assure you that the admissions officers go nearly cross-eyed with boredom from the insipid essays that begin to look and sound far too alike. The best way to do this is to start out with an unexpected or humorous beginning, such as a brief anecdote that relates to how you got interested in ___________. Breathe some life and humor into your paper so that your unique voice and personality can come through.

7) What not to do: As I have said earlier, don’t be boring. Also, don’t harp on the negative. If an obstacle involves a particularly oppressive individual, briefly mention the obstacle and talk about how you overcame he/she. Don’t belabor the atrocities of this person (or their frizzy hair), for you may come across as more bitter than resurgent. I would be wary of putting in anything that could be controversial and would certainly stay away from anything that is taboo. The admissions officers are, after all, human beings, and they may not share the same views as you on religion and politics, and it may be difficult for them to extricate themselves from their biases while reading your essay. So I would steer clear of religious and political statements.

Take your time and give careful thought to these essays. However, make sure that you’re not so bogged down with pressure and stress that your essay comes out flat. Allow yourself to have fun with them, and to let your excellence shine through your words.

Karla News

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