Categories: Crafts & Hobbies

How to Make a Paper Fan

For many years, adults and children alike have made paper fans out of construction, printing, or notebook paper. They can be used on a warm day when an actual fan is not accessible. You can also create and use them for other events or just for fun. You can decorate your paper fan first or just use a plain white or colored sheet of paper. Making a paper fan is very easy and does not take much time to do.

If you would like to learn how to make a paper fan, then here are the materials and steps to follow for both decorating and creating it.


A piece of paper.

Optional Materials (For Decorating):

Crayons or colored pencils.
Washable markers.
Ink Stamps.

Decorating Your Fan (Optional).


1. Get a piece of paper. This can be construction paper, printing paper, or notebook paper. You can find paper at most stores for decent prices.

2. Lay the paper out on a flat surface.

3. Design your fan in any way you want. You can draw a picture or color it. You can use crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers. If you are using washable markers, then be sure they do not show through to the other side of the paper (which you can test on another piece of paper). You can also decorate it with ink stamps. Let the ink from the stamps and markers dry, so you do not get it all over your hands.

4. If desired, you can turn the paper over and decorate the other side too. Once again, you can use the crayons, colored pencils, washable markers, and ink stamps. You can try to match the design on the other side of the paper or create a new one on this side. You should also let the ink on this side of the paper dry as well.

How To Make A Paper Fan.


1. Lay out the piece of paper on a flat surface, such as a table or the floor. You can lay it anyway you like, but it may be easier to lay it horizontally.

2. Take about an inch (it can be slightly less or more) of the paper and fold it.

3. Turn the paper over and fold it again on the same side, making sure the previous and new folds are even in size. By now, it should look like two folded pieces on top of each other.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the entire paper is folded. By now, it should look like a thick stick.

5. While the entire paper is still folded, take an inch or two (less or more if needed) of the bottom and fold it to the side (either side is fine). You can crease, glue, or tape the fold it need be (I usually just crease it good, but this is your choice).

6. Let the rest of the fan spread out, so it looks almost like an accordion.

7. You are now done making a paper fan.

There you go, in a few simple steps, you have decorated and created your very own paper fan. The steps are so easy, that even children can do it. You can use your paper fan on a warm day, in a parade, or just as a decoration. Or if you are looking for a fun and easy project to do, you can make a paper fan or two for yourself or others.

You now know how to make a paper fan, and I hope you enjoy participating in this very easy project.

Karla News

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