Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

How to Lose Almost 25 Kg of Weight in 2 Months

Over Weight is one of the major problems these days , we dont see too many fit people , people are mostly either over weighted or too thin .
and of course the endless list of diets that hardly work . The point is how our bodies respond to such diets cuy body nature differs from one person to another depending on the body’s ability to burn fat , also the gender of the person .
Well i used to be an over weight person , and i never ever listened to anyone’s recommendation of diets , that boring endless list of duties .
But surprisingly i managed to lose 25 kgs in 60 days using no medication as (FAT BURNERS) only using healthy food and some fun , of course everyone doesnt believe that there could be fun in such task as losing weight and i’m here today to guide through the plan .

First of all you have to be convinced that u need to lose weight , look at yourself in the mirror and the point in this is not just making you feel bad about yourself or anything , it’s the way you’re gonna plan how you want your body to look like , use your imagination and make pictures of how losing weight would have a positive influence on you and all the people surrounding you . and if you can’t do that i’ll tell you some of the benefits you’ll be getting
1- Be able to Dress The Way You Want .
2- Increase Your Self Confidence , Meaning no more being ashamed of the way your body looks or how others think of it .
3- Have Stamina while doing activities such as SPORTS
4- Standing a better chance with the other Gender
5- Avoid Diseases like Heart Diseases & Colestrol
6- No more skipping outings such as Pool Parties , Clubbing ….Etc.
7- And for most people it would minimize your expeneses 🙂

And this list of benefits could go on forever ……

well after all this talking , i think it’s time for the plan

First of all we need some things :
1- A stomach belt , which u’ll be using daily , under your top clothes . if you work then use it daily under your suit while trying to keep ur stomach muscles firm so this way you make use of your working hours , if your job is an always moving kind of thing it will for sure inhance your weight loss performance , if you have a seated kind of job use the firm and loose stomach practice while you’re working , its easy , just make ur stomach musceles firm then loose and etc

2- Your Favourite Dancing Music . we’ll get to that .

Now The Diet Steps :

1- Breakfast :
As for breakfast its the meal you can always eat more in because you still have the whole day to burn fat , so
– A Double Toast Sandwich of Cottage Cheese & feel free to put all the vegies you want .
– A Boiled Egg
– A Cup Of Green Tea with 1 Teaspoon Of Diet Sugar .

2- Lunch :
Lunch , Yum Yum , the tasty meal of the day
– Your Choice Of Vegies (NO POTATOES OR OUBERGINE)
– A Spoon Of Rice ( Small One)
– Big Plate Of Green Salad
Grilled Chicken Breast . Alternatives : Grilled Fish , Grilled Beef
Dessert : An Orange

3- Dinner :
Well guys this is the most critical meal of the day , the one that actually puts all the fat on , so be careful .
If you are a person of stamina dont have dinner and a way to beat the hunger at night is either getting yourself busy doing something you love not work
or SLEEP .
If you can’t then :
– 1 Diet Yougurt
– A Cup Of Jelly with Bananas ( 1 banana chopped on the jelly )

Thats for the meals , avoid carbos and fat food at night please , its the worst fat gainer ever , never eat and sleep .

Well as for the fun part :
Put back on your stomach belt , put on the dancing music , and dance like crazy for 20 to 30 minutes a day , get yourself to sweat daily .

Thats all , and i hope u maintain a great shape in a short time , you’ll begin to see the difference after a week of starting the diet and believe me mabe in a shorter period of time . Weigh Yourself every 3 days .

So don’t forget , your Mirror , Your music , your stomcah belt at work and during dancing make sure u wear something under the belt to absorb the sweat .

PS: This is all based on my experience , i got to lose 25 kgs in 60 days following this plan .

Karla News

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