Categories: LIFESTYLE

How to Introduce a Dog to a Cat

Some say the world’s population can be broken down into two types of people: cat lovers and dog lovers. Sometimes a cat lover and a dog lover fall in love with each other, like a Capulet and a Montague from Romeo & Juliet. That’s okay. Cat lovers and dog lovers can live in harmony. And believe it or not, so can dogs and cats. But it’s not always easy, especially making that first introduction. That first introduction can be tricky indeed, kind of like diffusing a bomb. Here are some helpful tips on how to introduce a dog to a cat.

1. Remember that a dog, especially a large dog, can easily harm a cat, even kill one. One quick shake and a cat’s neck can break. So under no circumstances should you put the two in a room together alone before they are acquainted. And always keep in mind that this can happen even if the dog and cat are simply playing around.

2. Make certain your dog is obedient before the introduction is made. Using positive reinforcement, teach the dog essential commands such as “down,” “sit,” “come,” and “stay.” If your dog is already obedient, work on the commands a bit more to make sure he will obey you even with a distraction such as a new cat.

3. In the beginning, keep the cat confined to one room, leaving all her essentials in it, including litter box, water, and food. Feed your dog on the other side of the door to this room, so that the dog associates something pleasant with the smell of the cat. Do the same with your cat, placing her food closer to the door as they become more comfortable eating in each other’s presence.

4. Have your dog and cat each sleep or roll around on their own blanket. Then switch them. This will help your dog and cat become accustomed to each other’s scent without actually meeting yet.

5. Once you have done all that, it’s time for their first controlled meeting. Your dog should be wearing his leash for this meeting. Someone else should be sitting next to your cat. Start on opposite sides of the room. See how they react to each other. Keep the visit short and repeat this step as necessary.

6. When your cat is ready, allow her to approach the dog while the dog is still on his leash. Keep the dog in his sitting position and reward him for his calm efforts. If the cat becomes aggressive, she simply isn’t ready for this step, and you should go back to the previous step until she is.

7. Reward your dog when in the cat’s presence so that the dog doesn’t associate only punishment with the cat. Give him treats, pet him, tell him he’s doing a good job. You should supervise all of these initial visits and never allow the two to be alone until they are completely familiar with each other. Always make sure your cat has a way to escape and a place to hide.

8. Your dog will probably want to eat your cat’s food, so keep it in a place where he can’t get to it. Try a closet or a high shelf. He may also want to eat what your cat leaves in the litter box. That won’t make you any happier than it will your cat. Rather than looking at it as one less distasteful chore, figure out a solution. Try to place the litter box in an area where your dog cannot get to it, like behind a baby gate. As with the food, there will probably be places in your house where your cat can get to it but your dog cannot.

9. If you have a puppy, you will have a far greater chance of success than if you have a full-grown dog. A puppy who grows up with a cat is more likely to see the cat as just another member of the family. If you are introducing a kitten, you have to take additional precautionary measures, as a kitten can be more easily harmed or killed than a full-grown cat. Except for supervised visits, never allow interaction between a dog and a kitten. Certainly, don’t leave them alone together.

10. If things do not go as well as you would have liked, it is time to consult a veterinarian or an animal behaviorist. Do not let a bad situation last any longer than necessary. Fights can result in serious injury, even death. And the longer the problem lasts, the more difficult it will be to ever resolve. And punishment is never the answer. Professional guidance can often resolve an otherwise tumultuous situation.

Thanks for reading, and best of luck!


Karla News

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