Categories: LIFESTYLE

How to Be Frugal with Your Money

It seems that now a lot of people are using credit cards to get all the things that they want, but the problem is that you are paying much more in the long run due to high interest rates. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to save up some money for something you really want instead of being in high credit card debt? Here are a few ways that you can cut down on your spending and save some extra money.

Buy a used car. I noticed with a few people I’ve known that they would complain about not having any money and not being able to do things, but then they would be driving around in a brand new expensive car. If they would have only bought a new car that was cheaper or bought an already used car, their car payments wouldn’t be so high and they would be able to have that extra money to do other things. Isn’t a car just a vehicle that gets you from here to there? Does it have to be the newest attractive model? Buy that if you ever become a hollywood star or a millionaire. By getting a cheaper car you will have cheaper payments each month, which means more money in your pocket.

Bring your own lunch to work. Leftovers from last night’s dinner can be an option for lunch the next day. I have heard people tell me that it’s best to bring your own lunch to work because it is more economical. They were right. When I would order food for delivery or take out at work, I noticed just how much more money I was putting out as opposed to bringing my own from home.

Save on electricity. Turn off the television when you are not watching it. Unplug appliances that you barely ever use. Every little bit counts. Here is an article I wrote on ways to save electricity.

If you go out to eat often, try making and planning some meals that you can eat at home. It is cheaper to eat at home and you don’t have to pay a tip.

Instead of going out for entertainment, make your own fun at home some nights. Get people together for board games, card games, video games or watching a funny movie that you already own.

Cut down on your cell phone bill. There are cheap cell phone plans available now that are as low as $30 a month. I know that you probably won’t get all the features that you want, but you can make and recieve phone calls and most likely text messages. That may be all that you get, but if you are looking to cut out some expenses, this is a good idea. I know some people who pay $100 a month on their cell phone bills. Also, try buying a cheaper phone, instead of a $400 phone. What would happen if you lost that phone while you were out? It wouldn’t be as much of a loss as if you had only paid $50 for it.

Buy used items. Craigslist, flea markets and yard sales are a good place to find some used things that you may need around the house. These things should always be cheaper than something you would buy in the store.

Try to pay all of your bills on time to avoid any late fees. Those late fees are a waste of money. Organize your bills and make sure you send them out before their due dates. Some credit card companies allow you to pay your bill online and you might even be able to pay the day before or the day of the due date.

Make your own breakfast instead of stopping on your way to work for expensive lattes or mochas and a bagel.

Instead of going to the nail salon, women can paint their own nails at home. If you have trouble painting them, ask a friend or family member if they would do it for you. It will save you a good amount of money. I always polish my own nails. A $2 bottle of nailpolish is much cheaper.

Karla News

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