Home Remedies for Congestion

From a very young age I suffered from sinus congestion due to my many allergies and in particular my allergic reaction to pollen. If you have ever suffered from allergies or nasal congestion, there are some great ways to get rid of your nasal congestion without the use of medications. These great home remedies for congestion I use every day and as a result I no longer suffer from congestion and can breathe much easier.

Spicy foods help to relive sinus congestion

If you like spicy food, then you will be happy to know that it also helps to open up your sinuses. The reason for this is that most spicy foods contain a lot of black pepper as well as peppers which help to drain the sinuses due to the body’s natural reaction to their presence. If you’re not a big spicy food eater you can simply eat a half a cup of some spicy salsa a day to help to open up your sinuses. I also like to eat chicken noodle soup with a lot of pepper when I am congested, because the chicken broth helps to open your sinuses.

Vapor rub: For years I used to hate this stuff, because of the smell, but overtime I learned that it doesn’t just help you relieve a cough when you are sick, but it also helps to open up your nasal passages. The reason for this is that the vapor rub contains menthol which is the agent that helps to open up your nasal passages and stimulate your body’s ability to fight congestion.

Green Tea: Green tea isn’t just for relieving aches and pains and providing a great source of anti-oxidants, but it’s also great for relieving congestion. It’s one of my favorite natural remedies for sinus congestion and it’s relatively inexpensive to. While green tea is the best, any hot tea will work as long as it doesn’t contain large amounts of caffeine, as this will actually cause congestion rather than relieve it.

Support your head when you sleep: I suffer from back pain and because of this my doctor suggested that I elevate my head with pillows when I sleep to alleviate the pain. What I quickly found out was that this not only helped my back pain, but it also helped me to breathe at night and I started to wake up with no congestion.

Taking a hot bath: One of the best ways to get rid of nasal congestion is to take a warm bath. The reason for this is that the warmth of the water helps to relax your muscles, which in turn helps to calm and regulate your breathing. The steam created by the hot water also helps to open your nasal passages and can help to clear out pollen and other allergens.

Drinking lots of water: You have probably heard from your doctor that drinking lots of water is the best way to recover from a cold, but it is also a great way to relieve your nasal congestion. Drinking water throughout the day helps your body regulate and also helps your immune system to recover from the many allergens you encounter throughout the day.

Homemade saline solution: When you have a sinus infection the best thing to do is to use salt water, but this is also a great way to get rid of your nasal congestion. Boil a small amount of water, combining it with one forth a teaspoon of non-iodized salt. Allow the solution to cool and pour it into an empty saline bottle. Spray the solution into your nose, draining it three times a day or as many times as necessary.

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