Exterminate Fleas in Your Home: Borax, Garlic and Other Solutions

Fleas have been around for millions of years, bothering humanity since its origins. When you find that you have fleas in your home, the problem can become a burden. I have looked for simple fixes for this problem, but it seems that not one solution works for everyone. There are many factors, such as if you have children or pets in your house. Sometimes, people even call in professional exterminators and find that a few weeks later, the problem has returned. It can be best to think of it this way: Try to find a way to manage the flea problem. If you manage to effectively control your flea problem for long enough, they will eventually die out and go away. Here are some tips to help you along. Use one or several combined as a way to try and control your pest problem before or after you bomb your house.

A few mothballs in the vacuum cleaner.

Best quick fix. I have extensively researched this option and while some sites say to avoid this solution because of possible fumes from the vacuum cleaner, you can avoid the fumes by opening windows and doors. Vacuum at least twice a day, paying special attention to cracks, crevices, upholstery and furniture. Doing this for up to a month will yield fantastic results. You’ll want to be very careful handling the moth balls, they contain the same chemical as pet flea collars, except in much larger doses. Open all doors and windows, let the house air out thoroughly before returning children to affected rooms. Moth balls are also very bad for cats when they come in direct contact so keep the box of mothballs itself away from people and animals. Mothball sachets can also be made and placed securely under couches or in other areas they will not come in contact with animals or people. but you want to limit these to a few per room – mothball scent is not very nice for us humans and can be harmful in large doses.

Vinegar water

50/50 vinegar water mixture sprayed on carpets and anywhere else you wish will work as an effective flea repellent. This will have to be reapplied frequently however.

Diatomaceous earth

This is a natural substance that can be bought by the large bag at pool supply stores. This earth works by cutting into the fleas waxy coating. You can sprinkle this all around your house and leave it for as long as you can, then come back and vacuum it up. Said to work very well.


This is said to be a great solution, in fact one of the best flea killers is a 50/50 mix of diatomaceous earth and borax. Borax is not good for children, so I have not personally tried this, since I have two small rugrats. It is otherwise safe though and is used as a cleaning agent. Sprinkle on carpets, crevices etc to repel and kill fleas.

Orange oil and other natural oils

Orange oil, lavender oil., eucalyptus leaves and oil and tea tree oil have all been said to repel fleas, but don’t serve much purpose as a flea killer.


Garlic is a great way to keep the fleas off your children! Cut a garlic clove in half and rub against feet, in armpits, behind the ears and the top of the head. The child will smell like a garlic factory but will be free of fleas. Keep the garlic out of direct contact with eyes or any sores and away from the mouth. Garlic is strong and can burn. Eating garlic can also ward off fleas.

Table salt

I’ve seen mixed results with pouring table salt on carpet and leaving it overnight. Maybe I didn’t use enough salt but this didn’t work for me. It is said that pouring lots of salt on the carpet and vacuuming it up in the morning yields results on killing the eggs. Can’t hurt to try, right? Salt is cheap.

Baking Powder

Baking powder is said to work when used in the same manner as the above salt method.

Talcum Powder

One word – DON’T. Talcum powder is not safe to breathe.

Karla News

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