Categories: Education

Easy, Low Cost Recipe for Oatmeal Banana Bread, No Flour, No Milk

One day I decided I wanted something for breakfast other than basic oatmeal. I had made oatmeal muffin cookies before but wanted something a little bit easier to make. I decided to make banana bread with my own easy recipe.

Oatmeal is one of the cheapest food ingredients, especially if you buy in bulk. Making banana bread uses something that might have gone to the compost pile and this whole grain recipe with no flour even uses a banana peel. Yes, they are edible. Here is an easy, low cost recipe for Oatmeal Banana Bread, vegan options included.

1 oven
1 bread pan, size 8 by 4
1 bowl

Ingredients (makes about 8 servings)
2 cups of oatmeal
1 cup of sugar (your choice white, brown, or raw)
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 teaspoon of baking soda
2 teaspoons of cinnamon (to taste)
1 egg, or 1/quarter cup of applesauce
1-3 very ripe brown bananas

1 whole yellow banana with peel (can have brown spots)
1 tablespoon of vanilla

Skip this step if you are not using the yellow peel.
Start by Washing the yellow banana while still inside the peel. Cut off the stem on top and the very end of the bottom. Then, peel the banana and set aside the fruit. You can eat this one, or use it as an additional banana in your bread. If it’s going into your bread, it can wait in the bread pan. Peel the peel into narrow strips. Set them in a bowl and add the tablespoon of vanilla. Coat them all and let them soak.

Start here if you are not using the yellow peel. Put oatmeal, sugar, olive oil, egg (or applesauce), and banana(s) into the bread pan. Squish all together and mix well. Add cinnamon and baking soda and mix well.

If you are using the yellow peel, add the vanilla soaked strips of peel to the top of loaf and pour any remaining vanilla from the bowl over the bread.

Put the bread in the oven at 350 degrees F for about 1 hour ( 60 minutes ) or until golden brown. Let it cool and serve warm.

Make this banana bread with no eggs and it’s vegan (and cholesterol free) because there’s already no butter and no milk. Make it with no oil by using water, or even orange juice instead. Use two bananas or more and it’s tasty with less or no sugar. With no sugar or oil and no cholesterol plus whole grain its healthy banana bread. If you like walnuts, they are a great addition but leave them out for anyone with tree nut allergies. You can make it with no baking soda too.

The ingredients in this recipe amount to well under a dollar for the entire loaf and it is just pennies a serving. It’s whole grain, and the cooking removes bitterness from the peels. They look like vanilla beans when cooked and taste like vanilla. It’s cheap, fun to make and a delicious use for some inexpensive and practically free items that may have gone out with the compost.

Personal idea

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