Categories: Beauty

Why Do I Get Breakouts Around the Mouth?

For many people, the chin and mouth area tends to be where breakouts are localized. A few factors may be the culprit; identifying the cause is the first step in preventing problem areas. Chinese diagnosis suggests that persistent breakouts can be related to internal factors, or your problem may lie in daily habits that you aren’t even aware of! Once you know the source, you can learn how to treat and avert future issues.

If you find that breakouts or congestion tend to reoccur on the left and/or right sides of the chin, Chinese diagnosis relates this area to hormones. Women may find that “monthly breakouts” tend to focus on this part of the face. It may also indicate some sort of over activity or imbalance in relation to the ovaries. Sometimes birth control can help keep this under control, but it’s something you will want to discuss with a doctor. Unfortunately, hormonal breakouts can be trickier to treat since the problem lies internally. Skin care products that contain Salicylic Acid or Vitamin A may help if you apply them at the first indication of problems, but speak with a doctor if you have questions.

Recurring breakouts in the middle of the chin is linked to the small intestine through Chinese diagnosis. That means that an improper diet, food allergy or digestive problem may be causing your breakouts. Since this is an internal issue, it is best to consult a doctor in this situation as well. Topical products may help, but the key is to apply them at the first signs of skin problems. Just as with hormonal breakouts, ingredients that may help are Vitamin A and Salicylic Acid since they penetrate through oil to clean out pores.

Just because breakouts keep popping up around your mouth doesn’t necessarily mean it is linked to an internal matter. Take a look at your day-to-day life. Do you rest your chin in your hands? The oils and debris that contact our hands every day can clog the pores. Phone hygiene is another culprit; be sure to keep them clean. Rubbing alcohol (as close to 100% as possible) can typically be used if you apply it with a cotton swab or cloth, but you may want to see if your cell phone manufacturer offers a cleaning product.

The products you use on a daily basis should also be considered. Makeup, cleanser, etc. should be free of Mineral Oil, SD Alcohol or other comedogenic ingredients, as they can cause breakouts. If your current laundry detergent or dryer sheets have fragrance, try switching to fragrance-free. The scent can irritate skin, so your pillow or shirt collars may be causing the mouth-area pimples.

Taking care of yourself, using proper skin care, and good daily habits can help get you on the road to clear skin. If you think your breakouts may stem from an internal matter, address it with your doctor. Otherwise, finding the right combination of skin care products may just do the trick.

Karla News

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