Categories: Parenting

Common Infant Digestion Problems

Infants are interesting little things. They aren’t able to let you know what is going on if there is a problem, so as a new parent, you have to use their signals to figure it out. It can be challenging and frustrating, but when it comes to digestion problems, there are a couple common problems that you can diagnose at home before making an appointment with the pediatrician.

As a new mom, I had no idea how much my baby could spit up, pass gas, fill a diaper, and still be hungry at the same time. It was amazing how many diapers I was going through, and it seemed like she had gas constantly, both are normal by the way. I spent lots of time worrying if her digestion was normal, and did some research to determine what is typical for infants.

Because newborn stomachs are just figuring out how to deal with food, many times their bowel movements are loose and runny. This is very normal and in time, when the stomach adjusts, bowel movements will become more solid either feeding on breast milk or formula. Diarrhea is a concern for infants as they may dehydrate if it is not dealt with properly. The rotavirus is mostly to blame for infant diarrhea, but bacteria such as Salmonella or E.coli could also be the culprit. If your baby is suffering diarrhea along with vomiting and or a fever, it is a good idea to contact your doctor. Many times common diarrhea will clear on its own.

The concern is when your infant starts vomiting. This is usually due to a virus and is accompanied with fever and or diarrhea. Similar to issues with constipation, the concern is the infant dehydrating. Vomiting in infants younger than 5 weeks of age could be a sign of other problem. If your infant is vomiting, contact your doctor to discuss the best way to clear it up.

My baby likes to spit up after feedings. The face she makes after she spits up is priceless. It looks like it was the most gratifying thing she has done all day. I am always concerned it is a sign of a digestive problem, but spitting up is a very common infant digestion issue. The problem is when it is happening all the time. Reflux is the other name for spitting up, and until an infant’s stomach is fully developed around 6 months of age, it is very normal for them to have reflux. Burping after feedings will cut back on the amount your baby spits up. Sometimes Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD, is a concern for infants, but your doctor will need to run tests to determine if your infant’s spitting up is more than just spitting up.

Many times infant digestion issues are due to what they ate, or what you ate. Looking closer at your baby’s diet and adjusting it could alter digestion issues and alleviate problems. If you are concerned about your baby’s digestion, make sure to contact your doctor to discuss their health.

Karla News

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