Categories: Crafts & Hobbies

10 Creative Words for Writing – Words for Writers to Use

Creative words for writing always pique interest. Words never cease to intrigue writers – or readers – when it comes to using a variety of descriptive words for literary purposes. Multiple words will consist of the same meaning, but with some, only a relevant few come to mind. In addition to authors expanding their terminology, readers enjoy expanding their vocabulary. They’re educated by how writers use words in sentence structure. It’s essential for writers to maximize use of the English language in order to keep their work intriguing to readers. Applying an array of creative words in writing grabs the reader.

Writing is an art form. How a writer uses words is key in reaching the reader. Impact is everything when delivering a message. A reader wants to learn in every way, wanting you to speak to them. Creative words for writers is endless, hence writing the exciting art that it is.

This list of 10 Creative Words for Writing is designed to inspire writers in putting 10 random words into play when they seek a bit more creativity.

Listed are unique words for writing, complete with description and sample sentences. Categories contain characteristics, behavior, action, and comparison words for writers.

1. Contrition: to be sorry for, feel remorse: Katy washed dishes as an act of contrition for burning dinner.

2. Incongruous: inconsistent, out of place, out of character: His behavior was incongruous to his normal personality.

3. Inimitable: defying imitation, matchless, incomparable: The song was sang by the inimitable John Lennon.

4. Juxtaposition: a contrast of two objects side by side, especially for comparison:
The American flag has red and white stripes juxtaposed alongside 50 white stars.

5. Plethora: excess, overabundance of: “Dancing With The Stars” brought in a plethora of dance studios.

6. Proffer: offer or proposal: After the meeting, staff was requested to proffer advice for enforcing new procedures.

7. Recompense: repay, compensate: If a mistake is made on the order we will gladly recompense the customer.

8. Reticent: reserved in style, restrained, reluctant: People are reticent to retire after the stock market took a hit with the economy.

9. Terse: concise or brief – abrupt, curt: Her response to his long email was rather terse.

10. Unabashed: unapologetic, confident, unembarrassed: Although his outfit was totally inappropriate for the occasion, he was completely unabashed.


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