Categories: LIFESTYLE

What is Primitive Camping?

Primitive camping can have a variety of meanings for different people but what is this style of outdoor fun and is it free? This type of family fun usually means that you are out in all of Mother Nature’s glory without provided electricity, piped drinking water, or toilets and showers. It also usually means providing for all your needs by bringing everything you need for cooking, bathing, and drinking. So what is the point of having to provide yourself with all these things when you can camp somewhere else that does? For those wondering who would want to camp like this and what is the purpose of camping primitive, keep reading.

What is the Reason Behind it?

1) What is the number one reason? It saves money because primitive camping usually is free. If you are wondering what is the charge if there is one, well it usually isn’t over $5.00 per day. You also have the chance to save on groceries because there isn’t any gift shop that your kids will be tempted to shop at while on your free camping adventure.

2) Tied for first place for what is the number one reason is that fewer people camp in the areas that allow for primitive camping. So what is it about these areas that attract fewer people? It’s called fewer conveniences and having to do for yourself.

3)Remote areas usually attract this type of outdoor activity but what is the reason behind camping primitive in these areas? Remote areas are not well publicized. The reason behind what is so attractive about a secluded area of the forest is that there are not only a lot less people but you will also see more wildlife in these areas because there are fewer campers.

Ways to Enjoy Primitive Camping

1) Here is a sure way to entertain the kids and help your outdoor adventure become an educational one too. Learning more about what is so important about primitive camping can teach you valuable survival skills. You can learn to build your own primitive stone oven. What is the purpose for building a stone oven? It can be a family activity that will help everyone walk away with an invaluable survival skill. You can bake bread or biscuits in the stone oven and cook on the top of it at the same time.

2) If you get caught in a rain shower while primitive camping, you can make lemonade from lemons by catching rainwater. What is the purpose of catching rainwater? You may not always bring enough water and there are no spigots to turn on when you are camping primitive. What is the difference between rainwater and creek water? Catching rainwater is a lot less work than hauling it from the creek and then boiling and filtering it. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to catch rainwater while camping .

So if you are still wondering what is all the fuss about primitive camping then maybe it’s time you give it a shot. Besides, what is the point of camping anyway?

If you are interested in learning more about what is so fascinating and adventurous about this outdoor activity, or would like to learn more about locations for free primitive camping areas please visit my website profile page here.


Personal experience

Karla News

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