Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

Weight Loss & Fitness Supplements for Women

Everywhere you turn it seems that there is a new “magic pill” being advertises that claims to help you lose weight, feel great and even shed pounds from specific trouble areas on your body. Before choosing a health supplement, it is very important that you understand whether it is safe for you, as well as whether or not it actually does what it claims to. More and more studies are showing that these so-called health supplements may be a poor choice for weight loss since they often cause more harm to your body than good.

Supplements fall into a different category than prescription drugs, meaning that they do not need approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before being put on the market. Not only that, but many of the health supplements for women have not even been scientifically tested and have no hard data to back up their claims. Even if the supplements have been tested, they may not have been tested in women and may contain higher levels of some of the ingredients that would be safe for men but not for women.

Another consideration is that usually health supplements are put on the market very quickly after they are developed. The companies that produce these supplements know that the weight loss industry is one of the most lucrative and so they are eager to get their latest product out on the shelves to start making money. Unfortunately, that also means that even if there were scientific studies done on the fitness or weight loss supplements, there has not been adequate time to make sure that there are no long term side effects from using them.

Most fitness experts that you talk to will advise you that fitness and weight loss supplements are not the answer to your dieting dilemma. The first problem with weight loss supplements is that they do not help you to address the core problems that led to your weight gain in the first place. That means that even if a supplement does help you to drop weight, the minute you go off it you will likely gain that weight back since you have not learned how to eat and exercise in a healthy way.

Additionally, many of these pills have very harmful side effects that often don’t come to light until some time after people have been using them. Great examples are the diet pills with Ephedra. When these pills first hit the market there was a big frenzy to buy them because they did actually work to lose weight. They gave the people who used them lots of energy and helped to reduce their appetites which led to weight loss. However, after the pills were on the market for awhile, people started reporting heart palpitations and even death caused by the pills.

Regardless of what diet pill or supplement you are interested in, it is likely that there has not been enough research done on it to prove whether of not it is safe for humans, and especially for women. Before buying the latest and greatest diet supplement you need to consider if you are really willing to act as a guinea pig and risk developing serious health problems or even dying as a result of taking the pills.

The best way to lose weight and keep it off will always be through diet, exercise and proper nutrition. If you feel that you cannot lose weight on your own you should talk to your doctor who can advise you if there are any prescription medications that have been rigorously tested that may be able to help make losing weight easier. Additionally, your doctor can help you design a weight loss, nutrition and exercise plan that not only will be healthy but will help you drop the pounds and keep them off for good. Keep in mind that there are no quick fixes when it comes to your health and weight, and that if you do choose to use a weight loss supplement you are risking dangerous and potentially lethal side effects.

Karla News

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