Categories: Diseases & Conditions

Treatments to Help with Gout Pain

Gout is a painful condition caused by excessive uric acid in the bloodstream. When these crystals solidify, they collect in the areas around joints and result in a painful form of arthritis. Over time, gout can become problematic or even disabling, especially if left untreated. However, a combination of medications, dietary adjustments and home remedies can make gout much more tolerable-or even eliminate gout pain entirely.


Most commonly, gout is treated through the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) like naproxen, indomethacin and ketoprofen. Some NSAIDs, including ibuprofen and acetaminophen, are available over-the-counter, though a doctor can prescribe stronger doses. Aspirin should, however, be avoided, because it appears to make gout pain worse.

For people who can not tolerate NSAIDs, doctors may prescribe colchicine, a natural compound that, although effective, can also be toxic. Rarely, a doctor may prescribe a steroid, for inflammation caused by gout. However, side effects from steroids are common and can be severe, so they are rarely prescribed except when all other medications are failing.

Home Remedies

Relief from gout can sometimes be obtained through everyday items found in pantries and bathroom cabinets. Baking soda, which has a high pH, can help to counteract the acidity of uric acid, the causative factor in pain related to gout. By decreasing the acidity of the blood and enabling the body’s fluids to effectively dissolve uric acid crystals, baking soda may nearly eliminate gout pain.

Other home remedies include over-the-counter pain relievers and creams. Benzocaine ointment, commonly sold as a home treatment for hemorrhoids, is a highly effective Topical steroids like hydrocortisone cream can also be useful, although hydrocortisone is more commonly administered to gout patients by injection.

Herbal Medicine

Tart cherry juice appears to be one of the most effective naturopathic treatments for eliminating the buildup of uric acid. It is available in health food stores as a fruit juice or fruit juice concentrate, and tart cherry extract can be found in the form of a capsule, tablet or powder. It is generally affordable and there are no known risks associated with taking it.

Additionally, celery extract, an herbal diuretic, can help to flush uric acid out of the body (unlike most diuretics, which increase levels of the acid). It also seems to increase the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs. Though it is effective, celery seed should not be taken in therapeutic doses for extended periods of time, since it may stress the kidneys.

Dietary Considerations

A diet high in purines will drastically increase the prevalence and severity of gout attacks, but a low-purine diet can reduce, or even eliminate, symptoms of the disease. Animal products are the most common triggers of gout attacks. Shellfish and organ meats are the biggest culprits, followed by red meat and fish. Other high-protein foods, like soy products and beans, may also contribute to gout.

Foods high in fructose, like candies, sodas, jellies and desserts, can also contribute to gout symptoms. To a lesser degree, other sugars-like sucrose and glucose-are also known triggers for the development of uric acid crystals. Alcohol, especially beer and wine, are notorious for bringing severe gout-related pain and swelling, and it is best avoided entirely by gout sufferers.

Alternative Remedies

Like many forms of pain, discomfort from gout can be treated using heat therapy. Heating pads applied to the affected area can be useful in relieving gout pain, and they may help to improve circulation to the area, providing long-term relief. Gout sufferers can also soak the affected area in warm water, as needed for pain. Herbal extracts and essential oils added to the water may help.

Although aromatherapy for gout pain has not been clinically tested, some fragrant oils are reputed to relieve pain by encouraging relaxation and improving circulation to all parts of the body. Acupuncture, chromotherapy and meditation are also useful for many painful disorders, and could provide relief for people suffering from gout.


Whitehouse et al. (2003). “Combination anti-inflammatory therapy […]”. Inflammopharmacology 11 (4): 453-64.

Choi HK et al. (2004). “Alcohol intake and risk of incident gout in men […]”. Lancet 363

Low-dose Aspirin Intake Increases Risk of Recurrent Gout Attacks

Jacob RA et al. (June 2003). “Consumption of cherries […]”. J. Nutr. 133 (6): 1826-9.

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