Treating Anxiety Naturally

Many of us suffer from anxiety at one time or another. Some of us have it worse than others. And a small percentage of us have anxiety on a daily basis and without obvious cause.

Here are some natural ways to reduce your anxiety:


Though valerian is generally known as the holistic approach to sleep induction, I have actually used this during the day. I wouldn’t recommend it to those who intend on being out and about, or have a list full of daily responsibilities -unless you know how your body will react to it. Valerian can be found in nearly every grocery store in the herb and vitamin supplement section.

Kava Kava

This is an herb I tried a few years ago, and recently have had a difficult time finding it anywhere other than a whole foods or organic foods store. It works for me, somewhat. Read thecarefully, and follow the directions. Apparently you could be at risk for liver damage while taking it under certain conditions, or in combination with other medications.

St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort has a reputation for promoting mental balance. I am here to tell you that it definitely helped me with my anxiety and my mood. If I wake up in the morning and just ‘know’ that I am going to be in a bad mood, I will take one. In less than thirty minutes I am smiling. I’m not sure how it works, but it does. Just like Valerian, St. John’s Wort can be found in nearly any local grocer.


This little flavorful something is what my husband and my best friend use to deal with their anxiety. Though it has never worked for me, it works wonders for them. They usually buy peppermint flavored life-savers if they expect to be in a situation where they know they will become anxious.

Compact discs with the sounds of nature

This one is great. Listening to soft sounds is a very natural anxiety reducer. If I put on a CD of sounds like waves splashing, or rain falling, I am instantly relaxed.


Exercise doesn’t just do a body good, it’s good for your brain too. Something about ‘feel good’ hormones, called seratonin seem to elevate after you have engaged in physical activity. This is why some people feel high after they have went for a run. I had this same feeling when I was a swimmer and it was the best natural anxiety remedy in the world for me.

Eat the right foods

If you adhere to a well balanced diet, full of natural and healthy foods, you will start to notice a difference in not only your mood, but your energy levels. When I was on the Zone diet I rarely had anxiety.

Things to avoid

Eliminate caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. Caffeine and nicotine are CNS stimulators and can cause many of us to feel jumpy and jittery. Alcohol may seem helpful in relieving anxiety, especially social anxiety, but it is counterproductive in the long haul if you drink excessive amounts. Too much alcohol makes it difficult for our brains to achieve optimum levels of sleep…which leads me to the next suggestion.

Get your winks in

Sleep well. Make sure you get an adequate amount of rest. If you don’t, your entire body suffers, and that includes your brain.

Breath deep

Practice deep breathing techniques. Long ago, when I ventured into the world of Buddhism, I learned the art of deep breathing. Breathing deep ensures that your brain is receiving optimal levels of oxygen, and promotes relaxation.

It is possible to treat anxiety naturally, for most of us. But before you contemplate diagnosing yourself, and treating yourself, it is best to consult with your physician.

Extensive personal experience

Karla News

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