Categories: Beauty

Top Ten Celebrity Skin Care Secrets

We all know that celebrities have stylists, surgeons and all sorts of professional staff to attend to their beauty needs. But face it; they’re human beings just like us. And to that effect, their skin undergoes the same traumas as everyone else in the world. But because they are celebrities, they are often privy to some beauty secrets that the rest of us simply don’t have access to. Want to know what a few of them are?

#1- Proactiv Does Work

Remember when Proactiv was just one of those products that was just “Seen on TV”? Well now, the product’s popularity has invaded the celebrity world. Celebs like Jessica Simpson and Julianne Hough appear to stand by this product. Certainly there are other tactics involved in keeping the blemishes away. But Proactiv’s cleansing formula is a great start.

#2- Bleaching Cream

Forget about those images of Michael Jackson and baseball star Sammy Sosa. Many African American celebrities know that their skin is subject to hyperpigmentation. Thus, acne scars and other blemishes become more pronounced. Bleaching creams like Ambi, Nadinola, and Palmer’s have been known to even out the skin tone for many people of color.

#3- Flaxseed Oil

Taking care of the skin often requires one to watch what they put into their bodies. That being said, investigate flax seed oil. This health supplement is said to contain the essential fatty acids that the skin needs. Flaxseed oil is also great for healing scars; the seeds can also be used in a number of ways. Gwyneth Paltrow is said to use flaxseed oil to maintain her skin’s healthy glow.

#4- Drink Water

You knew it was coming. One of the best things you can do to keep skin looking healthy is to drink more water. Celebs like Brittany Murphy make sure that water is an integral part of their beauty routine. Drink a few glasses more than you usually do, and you’ll notice that your skin looks less “tired.”

#5- Micropearl Abrasion

Some women are noticing that the fine lines of aging (and getting too much sun) are beginning to creep in at a younger age. Micro Pearl Resurfacing is a peel that will help to polish away dead skin cells. Essentially, the product “erases” the fine lines by resurfacing the skin. It’s also safe enough to use on the skin everyday. This is one of Madonna’s great skin-saving secrets.

#6- Washing Off Make-up

This age-old adage still stands. If you’re applying foundation, concealer, blush, bronzer, and a host of other cosmetics-these items should be washed off, and not allowed to clog pores. The number of women who leave make-up on for too long would surprise you. Keep your skin clear and moisturized: see fewer skin issues.

#7- 29 Preserves First Crush Lip Scrub

Yes the lips are skin too. But instead of reaching for that tired old lip balm, get some real lip therapy with 29 Preserves First Crush Lip Scrub. This product whose wonders are supported by singer/actress Jennifer Hudson, help to eradicate cracks and lines in the lips.

#8- Sunscreen!

Do you really think that Nicole Kidman maintains her milky complexion by baking in the sun? She’s actually declared a certain “fear” of the sun, and makes sure that her skin is appropriately protected. While bronzy tans may be all the rage, keeping your skin from becoming shoe leather requires dedication and sunscreen.

#9- Retinoid Skin Creams

These creams (also called retoinoids) are primarily used to treat acne. But they have also been found to even the skin tone, fade marks and reduce wrinkling. They are particularly potent because they reach all layers of the skin. Be careful not to apply too much or excessive drying could actually occur.

#10- Botox

No list of celebrity skin care secrets would be complete without Hollywood’s most popular treatment: Botox. While the safety (and practicality) of getting these injections is always at the center of controversy, Botox truly is one of the popular ways that famous women maintain their youthful appearance. Supposedly, the secret to keeping the “surprised” look at bay, is to closely monitor the frequency of use-and also the areas where it’s applied.


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