Categories: Opinion and Editorial

Top 10 Songs by the Jackson 5

The Jackson Five, with their semi-juvenile sound and sugary appeal, were a distinctive international phenomenon. The group originally consisted of the Jackson brothers Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Michael, and their music deftly wove the narratives for the younger generations of that era. This stellar and energetic five-some is responsible for some of the most definitive and dynamic hits of the 60s, 70s, and 80s. The ambiguity of a younger generation singing mature lyrics against a child-like setting appealed to both youth and adults. Their music has also solidified a smattering of memories throughout my life, which further proves their place as one of my favorite music groups.

#10 – Rockin’ Robin

A song that reminds everyone of the real ages of the group, “Rockin’ Robin” is a playful, happy tune that has found its way into the hearts of many. The tone of the song makes me reminiscent of childhood carnivals; walking around in the sun amidst alluring booths and games and gnawing on a caramel apple. This feeling could also be influenced by the movie “You’ve Got Mail,” where this song accompanies a similar scene.

#9 – Goin’ Back to Indiana

Most famous artists sing of returning to their hometown with a sense of longing, after they have been gone for decades and yearn for the familiar people and places they knew before their success. This lively song, however, is laced with irony as it is sung by adolescents that should still feasibly be in elementary school, fighting over the see-saw on the playground. It is almost as if they’re on a field trip back to a place that they’ve only left just recently, to see the girl they haven’t seen for a couple years. With its changing, swinging tempo and driving tambourine, you can’t help but feel the inner child just dying to express itself.
As the Jackson 5 energetically sing of going back to Indiana, the place where they started from, I always reminisce about my rambunctious instances as a young school girl.

#8 – Sugar Daddy

A term with mature connotations is playfully used in this song of young girl’s using you for your gifts and money. Oh the agony of giving her everything you can and watching her give her love to someone clearly less deserving. Poor little Michael, you should never have let her take you for granted.
This song invariably takes me back to the many admirers I had in my tender years, (I guess I was quite the looker in kindergarten…) and all the gifts they would give me. I was thrilled to constantly receive bubble gum, lollipops, and other knick-knacks from numerous boys, even though I had no intention of reciprocating their feelings.

#7 – The Love You Save

These young singers lightly but effectively warn against the dangers of young girls playing around with numerous boys and the possibilities of their images being tarnished. Complete with a metonym in the middle, they fervently plead with a would-be hussy to control herself before it’s too late. A valuable lesson for all youngsters, but in stark opposition to the ‘come-on’ nature of several of their other hits.

#6 – Mama’s Pearl

Once again, this song evidences the gravity of the adult world in juxtaposition with Michael’s sweet, piercing voice. How could such a young person entice a similarly young person to ignore Mama’s advice and just let the passion flow? But the tune is pleasing and the rhythm attractive, and we can only rationalize that the intentions are innocent, and smile along with the music.

#5 – Dancing Machine

Aptly named, this more mature, groovin’ hit inspires your feet and gets into your head. The number allowed Michael to showcase his more advanced moves and testified that as the Jackson 5 came into young adulthood, they still had tremendous talent and appeal.

#4 – ABC

Who could forget this catchy school-house staple? How can you keep from skipping down the hallway and singing to strangers passing by? The honest simplicity of the song adds to the integrity of the group and their youthful, untainted lives. Love is as easy as ABC, what’s holding you back?

#3 – I’ll Be There

On the more serious side of the spectrum, “I’ll Be There” is a song of love and devotion, appropriately wailed out by Michael and Jermaine, and backed up by the other brothers. For a moment, the brothers depart from the school-themed songs characteristic of their repertoire and tread on deeper sentiments. Repeated by later artists, this song gave the Jackson 5 more maturity than their tender years could carry, but they delivered like experienced adults.

#2 – Who’s Lovin’ You

While many would not number this song among the top 10, I defend it’s passion and soul. Young Michael sings of love lost with the emotion and range of someone 40 years his senior, a sense of soul that was not even achieved in his later solo recordings. It starts with a moving piano intro, which sets the stage for the slow, emotional expression that follows.
This song is as consequently my favorite song to lip sync.

#1 – I Want You Back

First of all, this bona fide hit is brilliantly orchestrated. From the opening piano run leading into a can’t-help-but-dance bass line and intermingling with syncopated guitar rhythms, you’re full of upbeat adrenaline and ready to be ecstatic for the next 3 minutes.

Probably one of the groups most popular songs, “I Want You Back” stays true to the Jackson Five’s upbeat and driving tunes, complete with an unforgettable melody and easy to remember, repetitive lyrics. I remember the pep band at my college would play this song at the end of basketball games, inviting the crowd to participate in a swarming but celebratory dance fest on the floor. Since we generally won, it is generally a happy memory.

Karla News

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