Categories: LIFESTYLE

Tips on Collecting Vintage Typewriters

There are many people that collect something they really like such as first edition books, antique desks, or vintage sewing machines. There are a few things however, that not only can get expensive but if you don’t know what to look for can burst your bubble, like collecting vintage typewriters. Not yet an expert and still looking for more tips on collecting vintage typewriters, I have made a few purchases, some good, some great, and some that I should have researched a little better. The more the experts share with us rookies, the better off we as collectors will be and fortunately with a little research and by following tips on collecting vintage typewriters, the pitfalls can be averted.

First of all what made you decide to take the course of collecting vintage typewriters? As writers it seems natural to collect an antique item that is related to the craft, and there is of course the history of writing, the machines used and the great authors that used certain typewriters. One of the first things learned was that just because a vintage typewriter is old, doesn’t make the item valuable. If the vintage typewriter is acquired simply for a particular feature such as a first acquisition of a pink vintage typewriter with issues – go for it. But if you really want tips on collecting vintage typewriters there are a few things to keep in mind.

First of all the rarer the vintage typewriter the more it is valued. Where there are certain vintage typewriters such as the popular Underwood No. 5 that every Hollywood writer has at one time or another had, or still has, there are an enormous amount of them on the market due to their production. Collecting rare vintage typewriters such as the Underwood No. 1 or No. 2 is a different story. So look for rare vintage typewriters in addition to what you may personally like.

Next you want the typewriter to work. If it is not in working order the value of the vintage typewriter goes down unless of course you are using it strictly as a prop. Check out some of the rarer vintage typewriters at the Museum of Typewriters to get a clue for what is really considered rare.

So now you have begun collecting vintage typewriters. Don’t’ jump the gun and suddenly think you are capable of restoring an antique unless this is a skill you have acquired. One of the most important tips on collecting vintage typerwriters is if what you are thinking about doing can’t be reversed – don’t do it. A typewriter made in 1926 is obviously not finished with paint from 2009. See an expert and get an estimate on the restoration process of your vintage typewriter. The same can be said for storing antiques in today’s climate. Consider what the environment was like when the particular vintage typewriter was manufactured. This goes back to one of the best tops on collecting vintage typewriters, the better the condition of the typewriter, the more valuable collectible it is.

Garage sales, estate sales and second hand stores are the best place to look for vintage typewriters. Most antique stores won’t have this type of collectible. EBay of course is one of the best sources for collecting vintage typewriters. Again do the homework, decide exactly what it is you want to collect or what you are attracted to and start off with a beautiful vintage typewriter to be proud of. Visit the Typewriter Museum for a collection of beauties.

Karla News

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