Removing Caffeine from Your Diet

“Look I’m a little slow today. I just switched to Sanka, so have a heart.”
– Mr. Vargas, Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Caffeine is one of the most common drugs ingested by Americans. Approximately 90 per cent of Americans consume it in some form daily. It can be found in coffee, most soda, most teas, chocolate, and is added to numerous other products. It is nearly as prevalent as sugar or starch. Actually removing caffeine from your diet is difficult and requires diligence and great care. If you are considering removing caffeine from your diet, the following tips will help you get started.

Cold Turkey? – Just to be clear, caffeine is an addictive substance, much like tobacco or alcohol. Your body naturally builds both a tolerance to it and a dependence on it. And like any addictive substance, removing caffeine from your diet will cause withdrawal effects. Depending on the level of your addiction, these effects can include headaches, stress, irritability, and fatigue, just for starters. If your addiction is mild enough, you should probably go cold turkey. As most smokers will attest to, cutting back on an addictive substance without medical assistance is very difficult and you will be prone to backslide. If your addiction is so bad that you simply can’t function without caffeine, your best bet is probably to switch all of your caffeine to tea, which has less caffeine than most other products, and then try to take tea out of your diet after your body has adjusted to the lessened caffeine in your system.

Coffee and Soda – The most prevalent sources of caffeine are coffee and soda. The average person drinks one or both of these products every day. They are also cheap compared to most other drinks and often served with free refills at restaurants. While it is possible to get caffeine free version of both, you are better off avoiding both drinks completely. For starters, for soda especially, it can be difficult to realize which types of soda have caffeine and which don’t. Mountain Dew is a good example of a high caffeine soda that looks similar to no caffeine sodas like Sprite. Furthermore, if you continue to drink caffeine free soda and coffee, your body will crave the taste and you will find it very difficult not to indulge when you are in a situation where you can’t get caffeine free versions of those drinks.

Chocolate – The most common source of chocolate in your life is probably either hot chocolate or cookies. The first you will simply have to do without, but the second you can continue to enjoy as long as you are careful. Sugar cookies and various fruit cookies, like oatmeal raisin, rarely include any chocolate at all. Cookies with icing can be deceptive, though. Some icing may be white or yellow, but still include chocolate. It is best to check the ingredients before enjoying. While you are at it, watch out for white chocolate, too. As for other sources of chocolate, generally cakes and various deserts are where you will find it. Since cakes usually have icing that hides the interior, you should always ask before partaking. On a positive note, plenty of ice cream is still available for consumption without concern.

Staying Alert – Besides routine daily consumption, the main reason people imbibe caffeine is to stay awake and alert. Without caffeine, you may find it more difficult to stay awake, especially at work, during long car drives, and while working late at night. Obviously, without caffeine in your diet, Coke and coffee aren’t options. Additionally, most energy drinks also include caffeine, so you should avoid these as well. The best way to keep awake and energized is simply to stay healthy. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep every night and eat regular filling, healthy meals, without overeating. When you need additional help, certain types of sugar are probably your best bet. Orange juice, in particular has a good concentration of fructose that will help keep you awake without a crash. Also, you may want to consider Gatorade. According to PepsiCo, Gatorade has absolutely no caffeine.

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