Categories: Parenting

Thomas the Train Carrying Case – Not My Top Choice

I am a firm believer in trying to keep my house as organized as possible. So when I saw this Thomas the Train carrying case I thought ….perfect! This is just what I need to help keep my son’s playrroom organized.

Why is it so hard for a toy company who makes great toys make such horrible carrying cases to keep them in. I bought my son a ton of Thomas the trains and all his pals and had no where to store them. I went to a friends house over the summer and saw this carrying case. I thought great. I could buy this for my son to hold all of his trains.

I went to the store and spent way more than I wanted to. It was around $19.99. But I figured it would help my clutter issues. So I made the purchase and went home. I quickly started putting all of his trains into the case. I soon realized that I made another mistake buying this carry case. Here is what I don’t like….

* The trains are very hard to put into the slots. You have to tilt the trains in weird positions to make them fit. Totally impossible for my 2 year old son to do. So I end up doing it every time. Not what I wanted to do every night before he went to bed.

*Next problem…after you spend 10 minutes trying to get all of the trains in, you can’t shut the case without one falling out. You have to take both sides of the case and try closing it at the same time. Ridiculous. Again impossible for my 2 year old son to do. So I am stuck doing it. My son pinched his thumb while trying to close this case and he ripped the skin off. Thankfully it didn’t cut him and make him bleed or else this case would have went back to the store that day.

* Another problem is that there aren’t enough slots for all of my sons trains. So once again I am stuck with more clutter. If I buy him one more train it won’t fit. Also you have to put the trains in certain slots in order to fit them all. So you are sitting there for 10 minutes trying to figure out the puzzle of putting the trains away.

* I thought the carry case was so cute in the design but I soon realized that it is hard to store. It is so awkward to put away. I should have realized this when I bought it I mean the case is in the shape of a big Thomas train. I will take fault on that one.

* I forgot to mention that once you do spend the 10 minutes it takes to fill it up and attempt to close it without the trains falling out, …it doesn’t stay closed. It has some cheap plastic thing to connect one side to the other. Horrible. This is one of the more frustrating parts about this carrying case.

I don’t know who designed this case but it is awful and a huge waste of money. I couldn’t return it because I didn’t keep the receipt. A mistake that I will not make it again. I have learned to keep all receipts from now on.

These toys and cases look adorable and the idea behind them is cute, …but the designs are not thought out at all. They should poll parents to design a carrying case for cars and trains. It would be most efficient case on the market and cute too!

Please do not waste your money on this case. You are better off taking an old shoe box to put all the trains in instead of fighting with this horrible product. If you do end up buying this carrying case be prepared for all of the above faults in this products.

In my opinion as a Mom and a little bit of a neat freak…stay away from this.

Karla News

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